To Work With Title Block Mapping Setup

Create a mapping for the title block using an external WDT file or WD_TB attribute definition.

WDT File Method

  1. Open a drawing that contains the title block inserted as a block.
  2. Click Project tabOther Tools panelTitle Block Setup. Find
  3. Select a title block link method:Method 1:
    • <Project> .WDT file Create a project-specific mapping file with the same file name as the active project name and a WDT extension.
    • DEFAULT.WDT Create a default mapping file in the same folder as the project file. This file is used if a project-specific file does not exist.
    • DEFAULT.WDT Create a default mapping file in the default AutoCAD Electrical toolset support folder. This file is used if a project-specific file does not exist and no DEFAULT.WDT file exists in the project folder.
    Note: Title Block Update looks first for any blocks with a WD_TB attribute. If the WD_TB attribute is found, the WDT file is ignored.
  4. Click OK.

    If the .WDT file exists:

    • Click View to view and edit the file.
    • Click Overwrite to create a file.
    • Click Edit to modify the existing file.
    Note: If no existing file is found, identify the AutoCAD block name of the title block.
  5. In the Title Block Setup dialog box, select the attribute from each list to map to its corresponding AutoCAD Electrical toolset value.
  6. Click Drawing Values to assign drawing specific and plotting values.
  7. Click User Defined to map attributes to text constants or AutoLISP values.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Title Block Setup updates or creates the WDT file with the selected mappings.

WD_TB Attribute Method

  1. Open the title block base drawing that contains the attribute definition objects.
    Attention: Do not open a drawing with the title block inserted as a block.
  2. Click Project tabOther Tools panelTitle Block Setup. Find
  3. Select the title block link method: Method 2: WD_TB attrib.

    An invisible attribute contained in the title block defines the attribute mapping.

  4. Click OK.

    Title Block Setup reads the attribute definitions and the Title Block Setup dialog box displays.

    Note: An alert displays if no attribute definition objects are found.
  5. In the Title Block Setup dialog box, select the attribute from each list to map to its corresponding AutoCAD Electrical toolset value.
  6. Click Drawing Values to assign drawing specific and plotting values.
  7. Click User Defined to map attributes to text constants or AutoLISP values.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Title Block Setup updates the WD_TB attribute definition with the selected mappings.
    Note: If a WD_TB attribute definition does not exist, the Title Block Setup inserts it at 0,0.
  10. Save the drawing.

Insert this title block base drawing as a block on each drawing in the project before running the Title Block Update.

Note: If the target attribute name contains any characters that are normally wild card characters: # @ . * ? ~ [ ] - , place a backwards apostrophe character, `, in front of the character or the attribute name. For example, SH`# = SHEET where the title block attribute is SH#, or `[REV] where the title block attribute is [REV].