Styles Tab (Drawing Properties Dialog Box)

Apply drawing-specific component styles settings maintained inside the WD_M block in the drawing.

Any drawing

 Command entry:  AEPROJECT

In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Styles tab.

Active drawing

 Command entry:  AEPROPERTIES

Select the Styles tab.

Arrow Style

Specifies the default wire signal arrow style. Select from the four predefined styles or a user-defined style. You can override the default style setting at insertion time.

PLC Style

Specifies the default PLC module style. Select from the five predefined styles or a user-defined style.

Fan-In/Out Marker Style

Defines the default Fan In/Out marker style and the layers for wires going out of a Fan In/Out Source marker and those coming into a Destination marker.

Layer List

Lists the Fan In/Out layers.


Defines layer names as Fan In/Out layers.


Removes the selected layer from the defined layer list.

Wire Cross

Specifies the default mode of operation when wires cross each other: insert gap with no loop, insert gap, and loop, or solid (no gap).

Wire Tee

Specifies the default wire tee marker: none, dot, angle1, or angle2.