The following is a summary of the primary improvements to the AutoCAD MEP 2021 toolset release.
AutoCAD MEP 2021 toolset provides a set of enhancements based on customer feedback, surveys, and analytic data that prioritize our efforts. Several features modernize and streamline frequently used features across many customer disciplines. The drawing format for this release continues to be AutoCAD 2018. For developers, this is an API-breaking release.
AutoCAD 2021 revision cloud enhancements also apply to the AutoCAD MEP 2021 toolset revision clouds (ANNOREVISIONCLOUDADD).
You can change the arc chord length of a selected revision cloud object either in the Properties palette, from its shortcut menu, or with the new REVCLOUDPROPERTIES command. The REVCLOUDPROPERTIES command also updates other properties such as color and layer for the revision cloud.
When a revision cloud object is selected, the Properties palette now displays Revcloud as the object type instead of Polyline. Revclouds are still basically polylines, but they have an additional arc property and the option to switch between grip styles (REVCLOUDGRIPS system variable).
AutoCAD 2021 Xref Compare enhancements also apply to the AutoCAD MEP drawings with MEP objects.
If a referenced drawing has changed, a balloon message is displayed in the lower-right corner of the application window (the status bar tray). Click the link in the balloon message to reload the modified xref or compare the changes. You can also compare the xref changes in the External References palette.
IFC import now works correctly even if one of the components is causing an error.
In a rotated UCS, room tags can now be placed in the correct rotation during creation of a space.
In Microsoft® Windows® 10 version 1803 or later machine, folders and files containing special characters now show up correctly in the Project Navigator.
When Plot upside-down option is selected, the vertical label curve is now correctly plotted.
When changed to the hidden line visual style, the plot preview is correctly displayed according to the settings in the CTB file.
Improved performance when synchronizing project standards on projects that are hosted in the network.
Dynamic input prompt for polyline now shows up correctly for all angles on the next point prompt.
AutoCAD MEP toolset leverages most of the new features from AutoCAD. For more information, refer to the What's New in AutoCAD 2021 topic in Help.