About Advanced Properties

Advanced properties are collapsed by default. To view advanced properties, click (Down arrow).

Advanced properties (includes duct flex properties)

Note: In the following table, properties related to Flange Connection are preceded by an asterisk (*). Properties related to Takeoff are preceded by double asterisks (**). Properties related to a flexible ducts are preceded by triple asterisks (***) and are only available when you the respective object.
Property Description

Connection details

Click to open the Connection Details worksheet.

Note: For more information, see Duct Connectors.
Lining thickness

Specifies the lining thickness of the current duct segment.

Insulation thickness

Specifies the insulation thickness of the current duct segment.

** Takeoff Position

Click to open the Takeoff Position dialog box.

Note: For more information see Modifying the Takeoff Position of a Duct Fitting.
***Assinged Engineering ID Specifies the engineering ID of duct segment and fitting used for duct fabrication.


Turns Vanes On or Off.

Routing Description

*Slope format

Displays the current slope format (not editable).


Specifies the slope value of the current duct segment (not editable).

Flange dimensions Description
* Flange extension Specifies the extension of the flange. The flange extension value depends on the shape of the duct. Duct segments and fittings use the same values if the shape is the same.
* Flange thickness Specifies the thickness of the flange. The flange thickness value depends on the shape of the duct. Duct segments and fittings use the same values if the shape is the same.
Graphics Description


Specifies the pattern for flexible duct.

Note: For more information, see Drawing Flexible Duct.


Specifies the pitch value for flexible duct.

Note: For more information, see Drawing Flexible Duct.
Geometry Description


Used when you modify the layout of flexible duct.