To Customize a Title Block (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

AutoCAD Mechanical toolset ships with stock title blocks for each supported drafting standard. You customize the stock title block that is closest to the format you require.

  1. At the Command prompt, enter OPEN.
  2. Select the file containing the title block closest to the one you need.
    Note: The program stores title blocks in the Title subfolder of the folder containing title border files (See related links).
  3. Save the file to another name in the same folder.
  4. Zoom so that the entire title block is visible. The title block appears. Static text (title block captions such as the text “File Name and variable text (title block entries such as the file name) are shown as tags.

    Illustration of an ISO title block

    Title block captions appear in red and title block data (implemented as attributes) appears in blue

  5. To edit a static text, double-click the static text and type the new caption.
    Note: Although default title block captions are implemented as tags (for example, Igenmsg “gentitis60{22.7}), when you insert your own captions, they do not need to be inserted as tags. Type the text to display.

    Illustration of a custom title block

    Title block captions appear in red and title block data (implemented as attributes) appears in blue

  6. To edit a variable text:
    1. Double-click the variable text. The Edit attributes dialog box is displayed.
    2. In the Tag box, type the name of the title block attribute, ending it with a pair of curly brackets.
    3. Between the curly brackets, type the width to height ratio of the variable text. For example, if the text height is 5 units, and the available width is 100 units, enter 20 between the curly brackets.
    4. In the prompt box, type the caption for this variable text.
      Note: Although default title block captions are implemented as tags (for example, Igenmsg “gentitis60{22.7}), custom captions do not need to be inserted as tags. Type the text to display.
    5. In the default box, type the default value for the variable text.
    6. Click OK
  7. Use the MOVE and ERASE commands to reorganize entries as required.
  8. Save and close the file.
  9. In the file you want to add the title block to, add this file to the list of available title blocks.