To Remove a Title Block From the List of Available Title Blocks (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

The drafting standard keeps track of the names of the files selected for use as title blocks. Renaming a file removes the title block from the selection set, and therefore the AMTITLE command. To remove unnecessary selections from the AMTITLE command:

  1. At the Command prompt, enter AMOPTIONS.
  2. In the Options dialog box, select the AM:Standards tab.
  3. In the Standard Elements list, double-click Drawing Sheet. The Drawing Sheet Properties dialog box is displayed.
  4. In the Default Title Block section, click the Additional button. The Select File dialog box is displayed.
  5. Right-click the file to remove from the selection set and rename it.
  6. Click Cancel until you return to the AM:Standards tab of the Options dialog box.
  7. In the Standard Elements list, double-click Drawing Sheet again. The Drawing Sheet Properties dialog box is displayed.
  8. In the Default Title section, click the Additional button. The Select File dialog box is displayed.
  9. Right-click the file you renamed and restore it to its original name.
  10. Click Cancel until you return to the AM:Standards tab of the Options dialog box.
  11. Click OK.

The program saves the title block details to the current drafting standard. When you execute the AMTITLE command after changing the title block details, the renamed title block is no longer available for selection.