To Create a Customized Drawing Border (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

  1. At the Command prompt, enter OPEN.
  2. Select the file containing the drawing border closest to the one you need.
    Note: The program stores drawing borders in the Format subfolder of the folder containing title border files.
  3. Save the file under another name.
  4. Change the border (change color, add objects, and so on).
    Note: If necessary, you can add attributes. When you insert the border (through the AMTITLE command), the program prompts you to specify the attributes.
  5. Save and close the DWG file.
  6. In the file to add the new border to, add this file to the list of available drawing borders.
Note: AMTITLE uses keywords to define the insertion point for the title block and for the available vacant drawing surface. To calculate these points, AMTITLE searches in the inserted border block for the text !GENTITLE-INSERT or the attribute INSERT that defines the insertion point of the title block. Therefore, when you create a drawing border, it is necessary to enter !GENTITLE-INSERT into the border with the MTEXT command.