In this exercise, you use the Insertion Wizard to insert an image into a drawing.
The Insertion Wizard guides you through the process of inserting an image and positioning the image relative to the other objects in the drawing.
Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
The magenta line represents the outline of the school building. The dimensions of the outline were obtained from field taping measurements. The other vector linework shows the proposed changes to the building.
Choose an image to insert
This parameter list identifies important characteristics of the image.
Position and insert the image
This dialog box is the first dialog box of the Insertion Wizard. When you choose a correlation source, the dialog box shows the insertion point, rotation, and scale associated with the selected correlation source.
The correlation sources are listed in descending order of priority. The resource file has the highest priority as a correlation source.
The Modify Correlation Values dialog box gives you the opportunity to alter correlation information before AutoCAD units are applied. AutoCAD Raster Design toolset shows where the image will appear in the drawing when the image is inserted according to the specified correlation values.
The image of the floor plan is inserted in the drawing, which already contains some vector linework.