Place a rail crossover between two rail alignments.
A crossover adds an alignment joined by two turnouts that connect two existing parallel alignments. The alignments must be a sufficient length and distance apart to generate a crossover.
Click Rail tab Crossover panel Create
Select an existing turnout or the first alignment.
If you selected an alignment rather than an existing turnout, specify the reference station for the turnout.
Select the second alignment.
If you have not yet loaded a turnout catalog into the drawing, the
Turnout Catalog dialog box is displayed.
Use the Turnout Catalog dialog box to load a turnout catalog to use and click OK. By default, turnout catalogs are installed to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D
2022\enu\Data\Railway Design Standards\Turnout.
The Create Crossover dialog box is displayed.
On the
General tab of the Create Crossover dialog box, specify the crossover name and other general information for the crossover.
Click the
Content tab to specify the type of turnouts to create on the alignments.
Click the
Connection tab to specify the geometry of the connection between the two turnouts.
Click the
Profile tab to specify whether to create a profile for the crossover.