You can use the Draw Turnouts in Profile View command to draw turnouts and crossovers in a profile view.
To use this command, the main rail alignment must have an associated profile that is drawn in profile view, and the diverted alignment must also have an associated profile that was created while creating the turnout or crossover, or created afterward by using the
Create Diverted Profile command.
Note: If you merged the turnout with an existing alignment and profile, the turnout can be represented in profile view by the profile associated with that merged alignment. For example, if you merge turnout 1 into rail alignment 2, the turnout will be displayed in profile view when you place rail alignment 2 in a profile view.
- Click the Rail ribbon tab
Turnout panel
Draw Turnouts in Profile View.
- Select the turnouts that you want to draw in profile view and then press Enter.
Note: If there is only one turnout in the drawing, it is selected by default.
- Select the profile view.