You can use the Drilling tab of the Hole Feature Properties dialog to edit the drilling attributes for an Operation.
Drill operation:
Drill depth — Enter the absolute depth that the tool is driven into the stock, not including a point allowance. The Depth setting in the dimension attributes automatically includes a point allowance so use this attribute to override the point allowance. Alternatively use Drill depth adjust.This applies to Drill, Ream, Countersink, and Boring operations.
Drill depth adj. — Enter a positive or negative drill depth adjustment relative to the Hole feature's Depth dimension. Use this attribute instead of Drill depth if you prefer.
Spotdrill operation:
Spot drill depth — Enter the absolute depth that the spotdrill operation is driven into the stock.
Spot drill depth adj. — Enter the spot drill depth adjustment. You can enter a relative positive or negative spot drill depth adjustment to the Hole feature's Depth dimension instead of a Spot drill depth if you prefer.
Tap operation:
Max. tap spindle RPM — Enter the maximum speed, in RPM, for the tap operation.
Tap depth — This is an override for setting the depth of a tap operation.
By default, the system automatically sets a depth based on the thread depth and the geometry of the tap that is chosen. If it is a plug tap, five pitches are added to the requested tap depth. If it is a bottoming tap, three pitches are added to the requested tap depth.
If you enter a Tap depth value, no additional adjustment is made for the tap geometry, the Tap depth is passed straight to the NC code.
Tap plunge clearance — Enter the height above the feature where the tapping tool starts to feed into the feature.
Multi-axis milling and drilling features have these attributes.
5-axis position menu — There is often an alternate orientation option for accessing a face. Select from:
Index X coordinate — Optionally enter the absolute X coordinate to use for the index retract move.
Index Y coordinate — Optionally enter the absolute Y coordinate to use for the index retract move.
Index Z coordinate — Optionally enter the absolute Z coordinate to use for the index retract move.
If you do not enter a coordinate, the Z index clearance value is used for the index retract move. Z index clearance is a clearance distance above the stock bounding cylinder. This can result in a Z value for indexing that is outside the valid range for the machine. It can also result in less-efficient retract moves if the part is an irregular shape.
Orientation angle — Enter the initial C-axis position of the part in the machine at the start of the operation.