Creating a turned Face feature

  1. Click the Features step in the Steps panel.
  2. Select Face as the Feature type and click Next to open the New Feature - Dimensions page.
    • Feed direction — Select Positive if you want to cut in the +X direction or select Negative if you want to cut in the -X direction.

    • Outer Diameter — Enter the top X value as the Outer Diameter.

    • Inner Diameter — Enter the inner diameter.

    • Thickness — Enter the amount of material to remove in Z.

  3. Click Next to open the New Feature - Location page. Enter the Z coordinate of the left edge of the feature.
  4. Click Next to open the New Feature - Strategies page. By default, face features only generate a Finish pass. If you want a roughing pass as well, select Rough.
  5. Click Next to open the New Feature - Operations page.
  6. Click Next to open the New Feature - Default Tool page.
  7. Click Next to open the New Feature - Feed/Speed page.
  8. Click Next to open the New Feature - Tool Usage page.
  9. Click Next to open the New Feature - Summary page.
  10. Click Finish to create the feature and exit the wizard or click Back to return to previous pages.

You can edit the feature later.