Creating a Hole feature

To create a Hole feature:

  1. Click the Features step in the Steps panel.
  2. In the From Dimensions section, select Hole and click Next to open the New Feature - Dimensions page.

    If a dimension field has a blue label, you can click it and 'pick' the dimension from objects in the graphics window.

  3. Select the type of hole from the Type list.
    • A Plain Hole is a simple Hole with an optional chamfer.
    • A Counter Bore Hole.
    • A Counter Sink Hole.
    • A Counter Drill Hole.
    • A Tapped Hole is a Hole that is under-sized drilled and then tapped.
    • A CD Tapped Hole is a counter drilled hole with the bottom part of the Hole tapped.
    • A Thread Milled Hole.
    • A Back Bore Hole.
  4. Enter a Diameter value.
  5. Tip: If you are building Hole features from circles, select the circle before opening the wizard to pre-populate this field.
  6. Enter how deep the Hole is in the Depth field.
  7. Select Through to increase the hole length by 10% of the hole diameter to account for the drill tip and prevent burring.
  8. Depending on the type of Hole you selected, you may have other dimensions to fill in such as Chamfer and Drill Depth. For Tapped Holes and Thread Milled Holes, you can select Standard Threads and choose a thread standard and size to set the thread type. Each thread type sets the Thread depth, TPI, and Diameter dimensions.
  9. For Tapped Holes and Thread Milled Holes, select Tapered if the thread is tapered.
  10. Note: Tapered taps are driven to a different depth than straight taps. For straight taps, a tip allowance is added to the thread depth so that the tool cuts the complete thread, this is not added for tapered taps so that the OD is not affected.
  11. Click Next to open the New Feature - Location page. Select whether you want to enter the location as XYZ or Polar.
    • For XYZ, enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates or pick the location in the Graphics window.
    • For Polar, enter the Radius (the distance along the X axis), the Angle, and the Z location.
  12. Click Next to open the New Feature - Strategies page. The options on this page are the same as those on the Strategy tab of the Hole Feature Properties dialog.
  13. Click Next to open the New Feature - Operations page.
  14. Click Next to open the New Feature - Default Tool page.
  15. Click Next to open the New Feature - Feed/Speed page.
  16. Click Next to open the New Feature - Summary page.
  17. Click Finish to create the feature and exit the wizard or click Back to return to previous pages.

You can edit the feature later.

Tip: You can click Finish at any stage during the wizard to accept the default settings for the remaining pages and exit.