To Work with Geometric Constraints

Show Constraints by Default

  1. In a sketch, Sketch tab Constrain Panel Constraint Settings .
  2. In the General tab, under Constraint, select any of the following:
    • Display Constraints on Creation. Inventor displays constraints when you create geometry or constraints. Constraint display is hidden automatically when you finish the current command and when there is a graphic change, such as drawing a new sketch entity or applying a new constraint.
    • Show Constraints for Selected Objects. Highlights constraints for geometry you are selecting in the graphics window. When displayed, any constraint can be selected to be deleted.
    • Display Coincident Constraints in Sketch. Displays the coincident constraint glyph when the constraint is created.
  3. Click OK.

Show or Hide Constraints

Move or Delete Constraints

Show or Hide Degrees of Freedom Glyphs

Work in Relax Mode