Use this dialog box to create a theme for a feature source layer, based on a range of conditions. The title of the dialog box changes, depending on the type of geometry in the feature you are theming.
A theme is a collection of rules. Each rule specifies a style and feature label for the features that meet the specified condition. You can add a legend label to provide a description of a rule’s condition.
Select the property on which to base the theme.
Specify the minimum value for the range.
Specify the maximum value for the range.
The first rule includes the Minimum Value and the last rule includes the Maximum Value. Styles are interpolated across the range.
Select a method. For more information, see About Theming Features.
Specify the number of ranges to create if Distribution Method is Equal, Quantile, or Jenks (Natural Breaks). Properties containing strings use an Individual Values distribution that does not allow the number of rules to be edited. Adjust the number of rules to control the coarseness of the theme. For more information about distribution methods, see About Theming Features.
Specify whether new ranges replace existing rules (ranges) or are added before or after existing rules.
Select the Theme The Polygons/Lines/Pointscheck box to use a different style for each rule of the theme. The first rule uses the From style and the last rule uses the To style. Styles are interpolated across the range.
Click . The Style And Label Editor dialog box is displayed.
Select the Create Legend Labels check box to label the theme in the legend.
Enter the text to appear next to each rule in the legend
Specify how to display the legend label.
If you theme a layer on a property that contained area information and you used the label text Area:, the label formats might look like the following examples:
<Label Text> <Min> to <Max>
Area: 100 to 200
<Label Text> <Min> - <Max>
Area: 100 - 200
<Min> <= <Label Text> <<Max>
100 <= Area < 200
Select the Create Feature Labels check box to add labels to the features in your theme. The label is placed near the line, point symbol, or polygon.
Click to specify the property to display, font, size, format, color, background style and color, alignment, and rotation of the labels. For more information, see the Style Label dialog box.