LightingMap - superclass: BakeElement; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(65542, 0)
This BakeElement allows a light map of incoming illumination to be baked with or without shadows. This is a color map, as opposed to the shadow map which is monochrome. It can be used in conjunction with a shadow map: (low-res no-shadow light map)*(shadow map)
LightingMap ...
<LightingMap>.autoSzOn Boolean default: false -- boolean; Auto_Size_On
Enable/Disable AutoSize.
<LightingMap>.bitmap Bitmap default: undefined -- bitmap
Get the bake element’s bitmap. This property cannot be set through MAXScript.
<LightingMap>.directOn Boolean default: true -- boolean; Direct_Light_On
Enable/Disable baking of direct lighting.
<LightingMap>.elementName String default: "LightingMap" -- string
Get/Set the bake element’s name.
<LightingMap>.enabled Boolean default: true -- boolean
Enable/Disable the bake element.
<LightingMap>.fileName Filenamedefault: "" -- string;
Get/Set the element’s output file name.
<LightingMap>.filenameUnique Boolean default: false -- boolean; Filename_Unique
Enable/Disable unique file name generation.
<LightingMap>.fileType Filenamedefault: "" -- string;
Get/Set the bake element’s output file type.
<LightingMap>.filterOn Boolean default: true -- boolean; FilteringOn
Enable/Disable filtering.
<LightingMap>.indirectOn Boolean default: true -- boolean; Indirect_Light_On
Enable/Disable baking of indirect lighting.
<LightingMap>.outputSzX Integer default: 256 -- integer; output_width
Get/Set the output width.
<LightingMap>.outputSzY Integer default:256 -- integer; output_height
Get/Set the output height.
<LightingMap>.shadowsOn Boolean default: true -- boolean; Shadows
Enable/Disable baking of shadows.
<LightingMap>.targetMapSlotName String default: ""
Get/Set the name of the map slot where element output will be applied