Initial_State : Helper

Initial_State - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 23:0 - classID:#(1395943172, 515064320) 


The Initial_State operator is a birth operator that uses a snapshot of another particle system or event as a starting point for a new event.

The particle system or events from which the Initial_State operator gets its snapshot must not be in the same event as the Initial_State operator itself.

The Initial_State operator was first added to 3ds Max as part of the Creativity Extension to 3ds Max 2009 and later became an integral part of 3ds Max 2010. It was previously available in the Particle Flow Tools Box #1.




<Initial_State>.Emit_Time: integer 

Get/set the Emit Time value. All particles in the initial state are generated at the same Emit Time.

<Initial_State>.Auto_Sync_Emit_Time: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Auto Sync Emit Time checkbox.

Initial State From:

<Initial_State>.State_From_Type: integer 

Get/set the selection idex of the radio buttons.

Possible values are:

0 - Particle System (default)

1 - Selected Events

<Initial_State>.Particle_System: node 

Get/set the Particle Flow node to use when .State_From_Type is set to 0.

<Initial_State>.Selected_Events: node array 

Get/set the array of Particle Flow Evens to use when .State_From_Type is set to 1.

Initial State Data:

<Initial_State>.Use_Age: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Age checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Speed: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Speed checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Scale: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Scale checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Rotation: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Rotation checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Spin: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Spin checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Mapping: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Mapping checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Material_ID: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Material ID checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Script_Data: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Script Data checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Shape: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Shape checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Use_Selection: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Selection checkbox.

Position Variation

<Initial_State>.Max_Spread: worldUnits 

Get/set the Max. Spread value.

Speed Variation

<Initial_State>.Magnitude_Variation: percent 

Get/set the Magnitude % value.

<Initial_State>.Divergence: angle 

Get/set the Divergence value in degrees.

Lock Icon To TM:

<Initial_State>.Lock_Position: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Position checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Lock_Speed: boolean 

Get/set the state of the Speed checkbox.

<Initial_State>.Icon_Size: worldUnits 

Get/set the Icon Size value.

<Initial_State>.Color_Coordinated: Boolean 

Get/set the state of the Color Coordinated checkbox.


<Initial_State>.Random_Seed: integer 

Get/set the Seed value.

Initial_State Interfaces:

The following Interfaces are exposed by the Initial_State Class:

Interface: action

Interface: operator

Interface: PViewItem