3ds Max C++ API Reference
#include <maxapi.h>
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | LifetimeType { noRelease , immediateRelease , wantsRelease , serverControlled } |
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virtual BOOL | SetActiveViewportTransparencyDisplay (int transType)=0 |
virtual BOOL | SetSelectionType (BOOL autoWinCross, int winCrossOrAutoDir)=0 |
virtual PickModeCallback * | GetCurPickMode ()=0 |
virtual void | RealizeParamPanel ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetToolButtonState (int button)=0 |
virtual void | EnableToolButton (int button, BOOL enable=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | EnableUndo (BOOL enable)=0 |
virtual ViewExp & | GetViewExp (HWND hwnd)=0 |
virtual int | GetAssetDirCount (MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Returns the number of permanent user paths associated with a particular type of asset. More... | |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Returns the "ith" permanent user path associated with a particular asset type. More... | |
virtual BOOL | AddAssetDir (const MCHAR *dir, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Adds a permanent user path associated to a particular asset type. More... | |
virtual BOOL | AddSessionAssetDir (const MCHAR *dir, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType, int update=TRUE)=0 |
Adds a session user path associated to a particular asset type. More... | |
virtual int | GetSessionAssetDirCount (MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Returns the number of session user paths associated with a particular type of asset. More... | |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetSessionAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Returns the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type. More... | |
virtual BOOL | DeleteSessionAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType, int update=TRUE)=0 |
Deletes the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type. More... | |
virtual int | GetCurAssetDirCount (MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Returns the number of session (temporary) and permanent user paths associated with a particular type of asset. More... | |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetCurAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0 |
Returns the "ith" session\permanent user path associated with a particular asset type. More... | |
virtual bool | AttachNodesToGroup (INodeTab &nodes, INode &pTargetNode)=0 |
virtual bool | DetachNodesFromGroup (INodeTab &nodes)=0 |
virtual void | IncrementValidityToken ()=0 |
virtual unsigned int | CurrentValidityToken ()=0 |
virtual Renderer * | CreateDefaultRenderer (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0 |
Creates an instance of the default renderer for the given render setting. More... | |
virtual Class_ID | GetDefaultRendererClassID (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0 |
Gets the class ID of the default renderer for the given render setting. More... | |
virtual void | SetDefaultRendererClassID (RenderSettingID renderSettingID, Class_ID classID)=0 |
Gets the class ID of the default renderer for the given render setting. More... | |
virtual Renderer * | GetMEditRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0 |
Gets the renderer assigned to the MEdit slot. . More... | |
virtual void | AssignMEditRenderer (Renderer *renderer)=0 |
Sets the renderer assigned to the MEdit slot. . More... | |
virtual Renderer * | GetActualMEditRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0 |
Returns the renderer to be used for MEdit. . More... | |
virtual bool | GetMEditRendererLocked ()=0 |
Gets the status of the MEdit renderer lock. More... | |
virtual void | SetMEditRendererLocked (bool locked)=0 |
Sets the status of the MEdit renderer lock. More... | |
virtual bool | GetMEditRendererLocked_DefaultValue ()=0 |
virtual void | SetMEditRendererLocked_DefaultValue (bool locked)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendSimplifyAreaLights ()=0 |
returns the state of the toggle in the render dialog, "Area Lights/Shadows as Points". More... | |
virtual void | SetRendSimplifyAreaLights (BOOL onOff)=0 |
Sets the toggle in the render dialog, "Area Lights/Shadows as Points". More... | |
virtual IOsnapManager * | GetOsnapManager ()=0 |
virtual MouseManager * | GetMouseManager ()=0 |
virtual void | InvalidateOsnapdraw ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsNetworkRenderServer () const =0 |
Returns true if the application operates in network render server mode. More... | |
virtual void * | GetInterface (DWORD id)=0 |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id)=0 |
virtual ShadowType * | GetGlobalShadowGenerator ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGlobalShadowGenerator (ShadowType *st)=0 |
virtual MacroRecorder * | GetMacroRecorder ()=0 |
virtual HFONT | GetAppHFont ()=0 |
virtual HCURSOR | GetSysCursor (int id)=0 |
virtual void | SetCrossHairCur (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetCrossHairCur ()=0 |
virtual void | RedrawViews (TimeValue t, DWORD vpFlags=REDRAW_NORMAL, ReferenceTarget *change=NULL)=0 |
virtual BOOL | SetActiveViewport (HWND hwnd)=0 |
virtual ViewExp & | GetActiveViewExp ()=0 |
virtual void | ForceCompleteRedraw (BOOL doDisabled=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | DisableSceneRedraw ()=0 |
Turns off scene redraws. More... | |
virtual void | EnableSceneRedraw ()=0 |
Turns on scene redraws. More... | |
virtual int | IsSceneRedrawDisabled ()=0 |
Tells whether the scene redraw is disabled. More... | |
virtual void | MakeExtendedViewportActive (HWND hWnd)=0 |
virtual void | PutUpViewMenu (HWND hWnd, POINT pt)=0 |
virtual int | IsCPEdgeOnInView ()=0 |
virtual int | GetViewportLayout ()=0 |
virtual void | SetViewportLayout (int layout)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsViewportMaxed ()=0 |
virtual void | SetViewportMax (BOOL max)=0 |
virtual void | ViewportZoomExtents (BOOL doAll, BOOL skipPersp=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | ZoomToBounds (BOOL doAll, Box3 box)=0 |
virtual BOOL | RegisterViewWindow (ViewWindow *vw)=0 |
virtual BOOL | UnRegisterViewWindow (ViewWindow *vw)=0 |
virtual IObjCreate * | GetIObjCreate ()=0 |
virtual IObjParam * | GetIObjParam ()=0 |
virtual HWND | GetMAXHWnd () const =0 |
virtual MaxSDK::QmaxMainWindow * | GetQmaxMainWindow () const =0 |
Returns the Qt docking main window of 3ds Max. More... | |
virtual BOOL | DisplayActiveCameraViewWithMultiPassEffect ()=0 |
virtual int | OpenCurRenderer (INode *camNode, ViewExp *view, RendType t=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0 |
virtual int | OpenCurRenderer (ViewParams *vpar, RendType t=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0 |
virtual void | CloseCurRenderer ()=0 |
virtual int | CurRendererRenderFrame (TimeValue t, Bitmap *bm, RendProgressCallback *prog=NULL, float frameDur=1.0f, ViewParams *vp=NULL, RECT *regionRect=NULL)=0 |
virtual IScanRenderer * | CreateDefaultScanlineRenderer ()=0 |
virtual void | RegisterRedrawViewsCallback (RedrawViewsCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterRedrawViewsCallback (RedrawViewsCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterSelectFilterCallback (SelectFilterCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterSelectFilterCallback (SelectFilterCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterDisplayFilterCallback (DisplayFilterCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterDisplayFilterCallback (DisplayFilterCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterAxisChangeCallback (AxisChangeCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterAxisChangeCallback (AxisChangeCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterTimeChangeCallback (TimeChangeCallback *tc)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterTimeChangeCallback (TimeChangeCallback *tc)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterCommandModeChangedCallback (CommandModeChangedCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterCommandModeChangedCallback (CommandModeChangedCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterViewportDisplayCallback (BOOL preScene, ViewportDisplayCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterViewportDisplayCallback (BOOL preScene, ViewportDisplayCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | NotifyViewportDisplayCallbackChanged (BOOL preScene, ViewportDisplayCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterExitMAXCallback (ExitMAXCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterExitMAXCallback (ExitMAXCallback *cb)=0 |
virtual BOOL | TrackViewPickDlg (HWND hParent, TrackViewPick *res, TrackViewFilter *filter=NULL, DWORD pickTrackFlags=0)=0 |
virtual BOOL | TrackViewPickMultiDlg (HWND hParent, MaxSDK::Array< TrackViewPick > *res, TrackViewFilter *filter=NULL, DWORD pickTrackFlags=0)=0 |
virtual BOOL | DoHitByNameDialog (HitByNameDlgCallback *hbncb=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | ChooseDirectory (HWND hWnd, const MCHAR *title, MCHAR *dir, MCHAR *desc=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | DoExclusionListDialog (ExclList *nl, BOOL doShadows=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | ConvertNameTabToExclList (const NameTab *nt, ExclList *excList)=0 |
virtual MtlBase * | DoMaterialBrowseDlg (HWND hParent, DWORD vflags, BOOL &newMat, BOOL &cancel)=0 |
virtual void | PutMtlToMtlEditor (MtlBase *mb, int slot=-1)=0 |
virtual BOOL | NodeColorPicker (HWND hWnd, DWORD &col)=0 |
virtual int | ConfigureBitmapPaths ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | DoSpaceArrayDialog (SpaceArrayCallback *sacb=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | PushCommandMode (CommandMode *m)=0 |
virtual void | SetCommandMode (CommandMode *m)=0 |
virtual void | PopCommandMode ()=0 |
virtual CommandMode * | GetCommandMode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetStdCommandMode (int cid)=0 |
virtual void | PushStdCommandMode (int cid)=0 |
virtual void | RemoveMode (CommandMode *m)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteMode (CommandMode *m)=0 |
virtual int | GetCommandStackSize ()=0 |
virtual CommandMode * | GetCommandStackEntry (int entry)=0 |
virtual void | PushPrompt (const MCHAR *s)=0 |
virtual void | PopPrompt ()=0 |
virtual void | ReplacePrompt (const MCHAR *s)=0 |
virtual void | DisplayTempPrompt (const MCHAR *s, int msec=1000)=0 |
virtual void | RemoveTempPrompt ()=0 |
virtual void | DisableStatusXYZ ()=0 |
virtual void | EnableStatusXYZ ()=0 |
virtual void | SetStatusXYZ (Point3 xyz, int type)=0 |
virtual void | SetStatusXYZ (AngAxis aa)=0 |
virtual float | GetAutoBackupTime ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAutoBackupTime (float minutes)=0 |
virtual BOOL | AutoBackupEnabled ()=0 |
virtual void | EnableAutoBackup (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | ProgressStart (const MCHAR *title, BOOL dispBar, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE fn, LPVOID arg)=0 |
virtual void | ProgressUpdate (int pct, BOOL showPct=TRUE, const MCHAR *title=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | ProgressEnd ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetCancel ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCancel (BOOL sw)=0 |
virtual void | CreatePreview (PreviewParams *pvp=nullptr, MSTR *filename=nullptr, MSTR *snippet=nullptr, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource=MAXScript::ScriptSource::NotSpecified)=0 |
virtual float | GetGridSpacing ()=0 |
virtual int | GetGridMajorLines ()=0 |
virtual void | AddGridToScene (INode *node)=0 |
virtual void | SetActiveGrid (INode *node)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetActiveGrid ()=0 |
virtual void | SetExtendedDisplayMode (int vflags)=0 |
virtual int | GetExtendedDisplayMode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetFlyOffTime (int msecs)=0 |
virtual int | GetFlyOffTime ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetCrossing ()=0 |
virtual void | SetToolButtonState (int button, BOOL state)=0 |
virtual int | GetAxisConstraints ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAxisConstraints (int c)=0 |
virtual void | EnableAxisConstraints (int c, BOOL enabled)=0 |
virtual void | PushAxisConstraints (int c)=0 |
virtual void | PopAxisConstraints ()=0 |
virtual int | GetCoordCenter ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCoordCenter (int c)=0 |
virtual void | EnableCoordCenter (BOOL enabled)=0 |
virtual int | GetRefCoordSys ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRefCoordSys (int c)=0 |
virtual void | EnableRefCoordSys (BOOL enabled)=0 |
virtual float | SnapAngle (float angleIn, BOOL fastSnap=TRUE, BOOL forceSnap=FALSE)=0 |
virtual float | SnapPercent (float percentIn)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetSnapState ()=0 |
virtual int | GetSnapMode ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | SetSnapMode (int mode)=0 |
virtual int | InitSnapInfo (SnapInfo *info)=0 |
virtual void | SetPickMode (PickModeCallback *pCB)=0 |
virtual void | ClearPickMode ()=0 |
virtual INode * | PickNode (HWND hWnd, IPoint2 pt, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | BoxPickNode (ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *pt, BOOL crossing, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | CirclePickNode (ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *pt, BOOL crossing, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | FencePickNode (ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *pt, BOOL crossing, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | FlashNodes (INodeTab *nodes)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterSubObjectTypes (const MCHAR **types, int count, int startIndex=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetSubObjectLevel ()=0 |
virtual void | SetSubObjectLevel (int level, BOOL force=FALSE)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumSubObjectLevels ()=0 |
virtual void | PipeSelLevelChanged ()=0 |
virtual void | GetPipelineSubObjLevel (DWORDTab &levels)=0 |
virtual int | SubObHitTest (TimeValue t, int type, int crossing, int vflags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)=0 |
virtual void | AppendSubObjectNamedSelSet (const MCHAR *set)=0 |
virtual void | ClearSubObjectNamedSelSets ()=0 |
virtual void | ClearCurNamedSelSet ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCurNamedSelSet (const MCHAR *setName)=0 |
virtual void | NamedSelSetListChanged ()=0 |
virtual void | GetModContexts (ModContextList &list, INodeTab &nodes)=0 |
virtual BaseObject * | GetCurEditObject ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | SelectionFrozen ()=0 |
virtual void | FreezeSelection ()=0 |
virtual void | ThawSelection ()=0 |
virtual INode * | GetSelNode (int i)=0 |
virtual int | GetSelNodeCount ()=0 |
virtual void | SelectNode (INode *node, int clearSel=1)=0 |
virtual void | DeSelectNode (INode *node)=0 |
virtual void | SelectNodeTab (INodeTab &nodes, BOOL sel, BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | ClearNodeSelection (BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | GetSelectionWorldBox (TimeValue t, Box3 &box)=0 |
virtual bool | CloneNodes (INodeTab &nodes, Point3 &offset, bool expandHierarchies=true, CloneType cloneType=NODE_COPY, INodeTab *resultSource=NULL, INodeTab *resultTarget=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | CollapseNode (INode *node, BOOL noWarning=FALSE)=0 |
@ More... | |
virtual BOOL | CollapseNodeTo (INode *node, int modIndex, BOOL noWarning=FALSE)=0 |
virtual BOOL | ConvertNode (INode *node, Class_ID &cid)=0 |
virtual IRenderPresetsManager * | GetRenderPresetsManager ()=0 |
virtual DefaultActionSys * | DefaultActions ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | SetQuietMode (BOOL onOff)=0 |
Sets internal flag, returns old value. More... | |
virtual BOOL | GetQuietMode (BOOL checkServerMode=TRUE)=0 |
The return value from this method should be called before displaying any dialogs. More... | |
virtual void | SetAutoGridEnable (bool sw=true)=0 |
Enables/disables system AutoGrid feature. More... | |
virtual bool | GetAutoGridEnable ()=0 |
Query system AutoGrid feature enable state. More... | |
virtual bool | GetAutoGridState ()=0 |
Query system AutoGrid feature state. More... | |
virtual void | SetAutoGridState (bool sw=true)=0 |
Sets system AutoGrid state. More... | |
virtual void | EnableShowEndResult (BOOL enabled)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetShowEndResult ()=0 |
virtual void | SetShowEndResult (BOOL show)=0 |
virtual int | GetCommandPanelTaskMode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCommandPanelTaskMode (int mode)=0 |
virtual HWND | AddRollupPage (HINSTANCE hInst, const MCHAR *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, const MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD rollUpFlags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0 |
virtual void | AddRollupPage (QWidget &qtWidget, const MCHAR *title, DWORD rollupFlags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0 |
Adds a rollup page that hosts a Qt dialog. More... | |
virtual HWND | AddRollupPage (HINSTANCE hInst, DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, const MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD rollUpFlags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteRollupPage (HWND hRollup)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteRollupPage (QWidget &qtWidget)=0 |
Removes a rollup page that hosts a Qt dialog. More... | |
virtual HWND | ReplaceRollupPage (HWND hOldRollup, HINSTANCE hInst, const MCHAR *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, const MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD rollUpFlags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0 |
virtual HWND | ReplaceRollupPage (HWND hOldRollup, HINSTANCE hInst, DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, const MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD rollUpFlags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0 |
virtual IRollupWindow * | GetCommandPanelRollup ()=0 |
virtual void | RollupMouseMessage (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)=0 |
virtual void | EnableAnimateButton (BOOL enable)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsAnimateEnabled ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAnimateButtonState (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual bool | InProgressiveMode ()=0 |
virtual void | BeginProgressiveMode ()=0 |
virtual void | EndProgressiveMode ()=0 |
virtual TimeValue | GetTime ()=0 |
virtual void | SetTime (TimeValue t, BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0 |
virtual Interval | GetAnimRange ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAnimRange (Interval range)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRealTimePlayback ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRealTimePlayback (BOOL realTime)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetPlayActiveOnly ()=0 |
virtual void | SetPlayActiveOnly (BOOL playActive)=0 |
virtual void | StartAnimPlayback (int selOnly=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | EndAnimPlayback ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsAnimPlaying ()=0 |
virtual int | GetPlaybackSpeed ()=0 |
virtual void | SetPlaybackSpeed (int s)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetPlaybackLoop ()=0 |
virtual void | SetPlaybackLoop (BOOL loop)=0 |
virtual int | GetSelectFilter ()=0 |
virtual void | SetSelectFilter (int c)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumberSelectFilters ()=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetSelectFilterName (int index)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetDisplayFilter (int index)=0 |
virtual void | SetDisplayFilter (int index, BOOL on)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumberDisplayFilters ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | DisplayFilterIsNodeVisible (int index, int sid, Class_ID cid, INode *node)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetDisplayFilterName (int index)=0 |
virtual Matrix3 | GetTransformAxis (INode *node, int subIndex, BOOL *local=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumAxis ()=0 |
virtual void | LockAxisTripods (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | AxisTripodLocked ()=0 |
virtual void | RegisterDlgWnd (HWND hDlg)=0 |
virtual int | UnRegisterDlgWnd (HWND hDlg)=0 |
virtual void | RegisterAccelTable (HWND hWnd, HACCEL hAccel)=0 |
virtual int | UnRegisterAccelTable (HWND hWnd, HACCEL hAccel)=0 |
virtual IActionManager * | GetActionManager ()=0 |
virtual IMenuManager * | GetMenuManager ()=0 |
virtual RightClickMenuManager * | GetRightClickMenuManager ()=0 |
virtual void | RegisterDeleteUser (EventUser *user)=0 |
virtual void | UnRegisterDeleteUser (EventUser *user)=0 |
virtual void | MakeNameUnique (MSTR &name)=0 |
virtual NameMaker * | NewNameMaker (BOOL initFromScene=TRUE)=0 |
virtual INode * | CreateObjectNode (Object *obj)=0 |
virtual GenCamera * | CreateCameraObject (int type)=0 |
Creates a new camera object of the given type. More... | |
virtual Object * | CreateTargetObject ()=0 |
virtual GenLight * | CreateLightObject (int type)=0 |
virtual void * | CreateInstance (SClass_ID superID, Class_ID classID)=0 |
virtual int | BindToTarget (INode *laNode, INode *targNode)=0 |
virtual void | StopCreating ()=0 |
virtual Object * | NonMouseCreate (Matrix3 tm)=0 |
virtual void | NonMouseCreateFinish (Matrix3 tm)=0 |
virtual unsigned int | DeleteNode (INode *node, BOOL redraw=TRUE, BOOL overrideDriven=FALSE)=0 |
Deletes the specified node from the scene. More... | |
virtual INode * | GetRootNode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetNodeTMRelConstPlane (INode *node, Matrix3 &mat)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetINodeByName (const MCHAR *name)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetINodeByHandle (ULONG handle)=0 |
virtual void | AddLightToScene (INode *node)=0 |
virtual float | GetLightConeConstraint ()=0 |
virtual void | AddSFXRollupPage (ULONG vflags=0)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteSFXRollupPage ()=0 |
virtual void | RefreshSFXRollupPage ()=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetDir (int which)=0 |
virtual int | GetPlugInEntryCount ()=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetPlugInDesc (int i)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetPlugInDir (int i)=0 |
virtual MtlBase * | GetMtlSlot (int slot)=0 |
virtual MtlBaseLib * | GetSceneMtls ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | OkMtlForScene (MtlBase *m)=0 |
virtual MtlBaseLib & | GetMaterialLibrary ()=0 |
CoreExport void | DeActivateTexture (MtlBase *tx, Mtl *mtl, int subNum=-1) |
CoreExport void | ActivateTexture (MtlBase *tx, Mtl *mtl, int subNum=-1) |
virtual void | AssignNewName (Mtl *m)=0 |
virtual void | AssignNewName (Texmap *m)=0 |
virtual void | UpdateMtlEditorBrackets ()=0 |
virtual void | ConvertMtl (TimeValue t, Material &gm, Mtl *mtl, BOOL doTex, int subNum, float vis, BOOL &needDecal, INode *node, BitArray *needTex, GraphicsWindow *gw)=0 |
virtual MSTR & | GetCurFileName ()=0 |
virtual MSTR & | GetCurFilePath ()=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetMatLibFileName ()=0 |
virtual void | FileOpen ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | FileSave ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | FileSaveAs ()=0 |
virtual void | FileSaveSelected ()=0 |
virtual void | FileReset (BOOL noPrompt=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | FileMerge ()=0 |
virtual void | FileHold ()=0 |
virtual void | FileFetch ()=0 |
virtual void | FileOpenMatLib (HWND hWnd)=0 |
virtual void | FileSaveMatLib (HWND hWnd)=0 |
virtual void | FileSaveAsMatLib (HWND hWnd)=0 |
virtual void | LoadDefaultMatLib ()=0 |
virtual int | LoadFromFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL refresh=TRUE)=0 |
virtual int | SaveToFile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL clearNeedSaveFlag=TRUE, BOOL useNewFile=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | FileSaveSelected (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual void | FileSaveNodes (INodeTab *nodes, const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual int | LoadMaterialLib (const MCHAR *name, MtlBaseLib *lib=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | SaveMaterialLib (const MCHAR *name, MtlBaseLib *lib=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | MergeFromFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL mergeAll=FALSE, BOOL selMerged=FALSE, BOOL refresh=TRUE, int dupAction=MERGE_DUPS_PROMPT, NameTab *mrgList=NULL, int dupMtlAction=MERGE_DUP_MTL_PROMPT, int reparentAction=MERGE_REPARENT_PROMPT, BOOL includeFullGroup=FALSE)=0 |
virtual BOOL | CheckForSave ()=0 |
virtual void | SetMAXFileOpenDlg (MAXFileOpenDialog *dlg)=0 |
virtual void | SetMAXFileSaveDlg (MAXFileSaveDialog *dlg)=0 |
virtual bool | IsMaxFile (const MCHAR *filename)=0 |
virtual bool | IsInternetCachedFile (const MCHAR *filename)=0 |
virtual BOOL | FileImport ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | FileExport ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | ImportFromFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE, Class_ID *importerID=NULL)=0 |
virtual BOOL | ExportToFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE, DWORD options=0, Class_ID *exporterID=NULL)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetImportZoomExtents ()=0 |
virtual void | SetImportZoomExtents (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual bool | CanImportFile (const MCHAR *filename)=0 |
virtual INode * | GroupNodes (INodeTab *nodes=NULL, MSTR *name=NULL, BOOL selGroup=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | UngroupNodes (INodeTab *nodes=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | ExplodeNodes (INodeTab *nodes=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | OpenGroup (INodeTab *nodes=NULL, BOOL clearSel=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | CloseGroup (INodeTab *nodes=NULL, BOOL selGroup=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | TranslateAndDispatchMAXMessage (MSG &msg)=0 |
virtual BOOL | CheckMAXMessages ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | setBkgImageAsset (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &asset)=0 |
virtual const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser & | getBkgImageAsset (void)=0 |
virtual void | setBkgImageAspect (int t)=0 |
virtual int | getBkgImageAspect ()=0 |
virtual void | setBkgImageAnimate (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | getBkgImageAnimate (void)=0 |
virtual void | setBkgFrameRange (int start, int end, int step=1)=0 |
virtual int | getBkgFrameRangeVal (int which)=0 |
virtual void | setBkgORType (int which, int type)=0 |
virtual int | getBkgORType (int which)=0 |
virtual void | setBkgStartTime (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual TimeValue | getBkgStartTime ()=0 |
virtual void | setBkgSyncFrame (int f)=0 |
virtual int | getBkgSyncFrame ()=0 |
virtual int | getBkgFrameNum (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual void | SetViewportBGColor (const Point3 &color)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetViewportBGColor ()=0 |
virtual int | OpenRenderer (Renderer *pRenderer, INode *camNode, ViewExp *view, RendType type=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0 |
virtual int | OpenRenderer (Renderer *pRenderer, ViewParams *vpar, RendType type=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0 |
virtual int | RendererRenderFrame (Renderer *pRenderer, TimeValue t, Bitmap *bm, RendProgressCallback *prog=NULL, float frameDur=1.0f, ViewParams *vp=NULL, RECT *regionRect=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | CloseRenderer (Renderer *pRenderer)=0 |
virtual Renderer * | GetCurrentRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0 |
virtual Renderer * | GetProductionRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0 |
virtual Renderer * | GetDraftRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0 |
virtual Renderer * | GetRenderer (RenderSettingID renderSettingID, bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0 |
virtual void | AssignCurRenderer (Renderer *rend)=0 |
virtual void | AssignProductionRenderer (Renderer *rend)=0 |
virtual void | AssignDraftRenderer (Renderer *rend)=0 |
virtual void | AssignRenderer (RenderSettingID renderSettingID, Renderer *rend)=0 |
virtual void | SetUseDraftRenderer (BOOL b)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUseDraftRenderer ()=0 |
virtual void | ChangeRenderSetting (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0 |
virtual RenderSettingID | GetCurrentRenderSetting ()=0 |
virtual IRenderElementMgr * | GetCurRenderElementMgr ()=0 |
virtual IRenderElementMgr * | GetRenderElementMgr (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0 |
virtual void | SetupRendParams (RendParams &rp, ViewExp *vpt, RendType t=RENDTYPE_NORMAL)=0 |
virtual void | GetViewParamsFromNode (INode *vnode, ViewParams &vp, TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual BOOL | CheckForRenderAbort ()=0 |
This method may be called during a rendering to check if user has cancelled the render. More... | |
virtual void | AbortRender ()=0 |
Calling this method during a render will set the flag that indicates that the render is to be aborted. More... | |
virtual int | GetRendTimeType ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendTimeType (int type)=0 |
virtual TimeValue | GetRendStart ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendStart (TimeValue start)=0 |
virtual TimeValue | GetRendEnd ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendEnd (TimeValue end)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendNThFrame ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendNThFrame (int n)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendShowVFB ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendShowVFB (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendSaveFile ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendSaveFile (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendUseDevice ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendUseDevice (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendUseNet ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendUseNet (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BitmapInfo & | GetRendFileBI ()=0 |
virtual BitmapInfo & | GetRendDeviceBI ()=0 |
virtual int | GetRendWidth ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendWidth (int w)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendHeight ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendHeight (int h)=0 |
virtual float | GetRendApect ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendAspect (float a)=0 |
virtual float | GetRendImageAspect ()=0 |
virtual float | GetRendApertureWidth ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendApertureWidth (float aw)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendFieldRender ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendFieldRender (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendColorCheck ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendColorCheck (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendSuperBlack ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendSuperBlack (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendHidden ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendHidden (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendForce2Side ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendForce2Side (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendAtmosphere ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendAtmosphere (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendEffects ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendEffects (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendDisplacement ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendDisplacement (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual MSTR & | GetRendPickFramesString ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendDitherTrue ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendDitherTrue (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendDither256 ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendDither256 (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendMultiThread ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendMultiThread (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRendNThSerial ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendNThSerial (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendVidCorrectMethod ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendVidCorrectMethod (int m)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendFieldOrder ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendFieldOrder (int fo)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendNTSC_PAL ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendNTSC_PAL (int np)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendSuperBlackThresh ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendSuperBlackThresh (int sb)=0 |
virtual int | GetRendFileNumberBase ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRendFileNumberBase (int n)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetSkipRenderedFrames ()=0 |
virtual void | SetSkipRenderedFrames (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual DWORD | GetHideByCategoryFlags ()=0 |
virtual void | SetHideByCategoryFlags (DWORD f)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetINodeFromRenderID (UWORD id)=0 |
virtual void | ExecuteMAXCommand (int id)=0 |
virtual Texmap * | GetEnvironmentMap ()=0 |
virtual void | SetEnvironmentMap (Texmap *map)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUseEnvironmentMap ()=0 |
virtual void | SetUseEnvironmentMap (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetAmbient (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0 |
Point3 | GetAmbient (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetAmbient (TimeValue t, Point3 col)=0 |
virtual Control * | GetAmbientController ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAmbientController (Control *c)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetLightTint (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0 |
Point3 | GetLightTint (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetLightTint (TimeValue t, Point3 col)=0 |
virtual Control * | GetLightTintController ()=0 |
virtual void | SetLightTintController (Control *c)=0 |
virtual float | GetLightLevel (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0 |
float | GetLightLevel (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetLightLevel (TimeValue t, float lev)=0 |
virtual Control * | GetLightLevelController ()=0 |
virtual void | SetLightLevelController (Control *c)=0 |
virtual int | NumAtmospheric ()=0 |
virtual Atmospheric * | GetAtmospheric (int i)=0 |
virtual void | SetAtmospheric (int i, Atmospheric *a)=0 |
virtual void | AddAtmosphere (Atmospheric *atmos)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteAtmosphere (int i)=0 |
virtual void | EditAtmosphere (Atmospheric *a, INode *gizmo=NULL)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetBackGround (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0 |
Point3 | GetBackGround (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetBackGround (TimeValue t, Point3 col)=0 |
virtual Control * | GetBackGroundController ()=0 |
virtual void | SetBackGroundController (Control *c)=0 |
virtual int | NumEffects ()=0 |
virtual Effect * | GetEffect (int i)=0 |
virtual void | SetEffect (int i, Effect *e)=0 |
virtual void | AddEffect (Effect *eff)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteEffect (int i)=0 |
virtual void | EditEffect (Effect *e, INode *gizmo=NULL)=0 |
virtual SoundObj * | GetSoundObject ()=0 |
virtual void | SetSoundObject (SoundObj *snd)=0 |
virtual LogSys * | Log ()=0 |
virtual DllDir & | GetDllDir ()=0 |
virtual DllDir * | GetDllDirectory ()=0 |
virtual INT_PTR | Execute (int cmd, ULONG_PTR arg1=0, ULONG_PTR arg2=0, ULONG_PTR arg3=0, ULONG_PTR arg4=0, ULONG_PTR arg5=0, ULONG_PTR arg6=0)=0 |
virtual ReferenceTarget * | GetScenePointer ()=0 |
virtual ITrackViewNode * | GetTrackViewRootNode ()=0 |
virtual ITrackBar * | GetTrackBar ()=0 |
virtual ITreeView * | CreateTreeViewChild (ReferenceTarget *root, HWND hParent, DWORD style=0, ULONG id=0, int open=OPENTV_SPECIAL)=0 |
virtual void | FreeSceneBitmaps ()=0 |
virtual void | EnumAuxFiles (AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD vflags)=0 |
virtual void | RenderTexmap (Texmap *tex, Bitmap *bm, float scale3d=1.0f, BOOL filter=FALSE, BOOL display=FALSE, float z=0.0f, TimeValue t=GetCOREInterface() ->GetTime(), bool bake=false)=0 |
virtual bool | CanImportBitmap (const MCHAR *filename)=0 |
virtual bool | CaptureSubObjectRegistration (bool OnOff, Class_ID cid)=0 |
virtual bool | DownloadUrl (HWND hwnd, const MCHAR *url, const MCHAR *filename, DWORD downloadFlags=0)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetImportCtxNode (void)=0 |
virtual void | RescaleWorldUnits (float f, BOOL selected)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetKeyStepsSelOnly ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyStepsSelOnly (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetKeyStepsUseTrans ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyStepsUseTrans (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetKeyStepsPos ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyStepsPos (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetKeyStepsRot ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyStepsRot (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetKeyStepsScale ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyStepsScale (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetKeyStepsUseTrackBar ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyStepsUseTrackBar (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUseTransformGizmo ()=0 |
virtual void | SetUseTransformGizmo (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual void | SetTransformGizmoRestoreAxis (BOOL bOnOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetTransformGizmoRestoreAxis ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetConstantAxisRestriction ()=0 |
virtual void | SetConstantAxisRestriction (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | HitTestTransformGizmo (IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt, int axisFlags)=0 |
virtual void | DeactivateTransformGizmo ()=0 |
virtual int | AddClass (ClassDesc *pCD)=0 |
virtual int | DeleteClass (ClassDesc *pCD)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumProperties (int PropertySet)=0 |
virtual int | FindProperty (int PropertySet, const PROPSPEC *propspec)=0 |
virtual const PROPVARIANT * | GetPropertyVariant (int PropertySet, int idx)=0 |
virtual const PROPSPEC * | GetPropertySpec (int PropertySet, int idx)=0 |
virtual void | AddProperty (int PropertySet, const PROPSPEC *propspec, const PROPVARIANT *propvar)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteProperty (int PropertySet, const PROPSPEC *propspec)=0 |
virtual void | SetIncludeXRefsInHierarchy (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetIncludeXRefsInHierarchy ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsXRefAutoUpdateSuspended ()=0 |
virtual void | SetXRefAutoUpdateSuspended (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsSceneXRefNode (INode *node)=0 |
virtual bool | IsTrialLicense ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsNetworkLicense ()=0 |
Returns true if the application is running under a network license. More... | |
virtual void | RAMPlayer (HWND hWndParent, const MCHAR *szChanA=NULL, const MCHAR *szChanB=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | FlushUndoBuffer ()=0 |
virtual bool | DeferredPluginLoadingEnabled ()=0 |
virtual void | EnableDeferredPluginLoading (bool onOff)=0 |
![]() | |
CoreExport | FPInterfaceDesc () |
CoreExport | FPInterfaceDesc (Interface_ID id, const MCHAR *int_name, StringResID descr, ClassDesc *cd, ULONG flag,...) |
CoreExport | ~FPInterfaceDesc () |
virtual void | Init () |
LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
CoreExport void | LoadDescriptor (Interface_ID id, const MCHAR *int_name, StringResID descr, ClassDesc *pCD, ULONG flag,...) |
CoreExport void | AppendFunction (int id,...) |
Add a new function to this interface descriptor. More... | |
CoreExport void | AppendProperty (int id,...) |
Add a new property to this interface descriptor. More... | |
CoreExport void | AppendEnum (int id,...) |
Add a new enum to this interface descriptor. More... | |
CoreExport void | SetClassDesc (ClassDesc *i_cd) |
CoreExport va_list | check_fn (va_list ap, int id) |
CoreExport va_list | scan_fn (va_list ap, int id, int index) |
CoreExport va_list | check_prop (va_list ap, int id) |
CoreExport va_list | scan_prop (va_list ap, int id, int index) |
CoreExport va_list | check_enum (va_list ap, EnumID id) |
CoreExport va_list | scan_enum (va_list ap, EnumID id, int index) |
FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc () |
Interface_ID | GetID () |
CoreExport FPFunctionDef * | GetFnDef (FunctionID fid) |
ActionTable * | GetActionTable () |
CoreExport void | EnableActions (BOOL onOff) |
virtual CoreExport HINSTANCE | HInstance () |
virtual CoreExport const MCHAR * | GetRsrcString (StringResID id) |
![]() | |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPParams *params) |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | FindFn (const MCHAR *name) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
![]() | |
virtual UtilExport | ~BaseInterface () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual BaseInterface * | AcquireInterface () |
virtual void | ReleaseInterface () |
virtual void | DeleteInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | CloneInterface (void *remapDir=NULL) |
![]() | |
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
Destructor. More... | |
template<class InterfaceType > | |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |
![]() | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size) |
Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr) |
Placement new operator. More... | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) |
Placement delete operator. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | aligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment) |
Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More... | |
static UtilExport void * | aligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) |
Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More... | |
static UtilExport void | aligned_free (void *ptr) |
Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc. More... | |
![]() | |
Interface_ID | ID |
MSTR | internal_name |
StringResID | description |
ClassDesc * | cd |
USHORT | flags |
Tab< FPFunctionDef * > | functions |
Tab< FPPropDef * > | props |
Tab< FPEnum * > | enumerations |
MSPluginClass * | pc |
Rollout * | rollout |
ActionTable * | action_table |
![]() | |
static CoreExport FPInterfaceDesc | nullInterface |
![]() | |
CoreExport void | load_descriptor (Interface_ID id, const MCHAR *int_name, StringResID descr, ClassDesc *cd, USHORT flag, va_list ap) |
![]() | |
virtual FPStatus | _dispatch_fn (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *p) |