Example .atom file

The following shows a sample .atom file that saves animation data for a sphere, a cone, and a plane. For detailed descriptions of each element, see ATOM format description.

atomVersion 1.0;
mayaVersion 2014 x64;
mayaSceneFile C:/Users/user/Documents/maya/projects/default/scenes/test.ma;
timeUnit film;
linearUnit cm;
angularUnit deg;
startTime 1;
endTime 8;
offlineFile ;
animLayers {   BaseAnimation  AnimLayer1 }
animLayer {
  BaseAnimation 0 0;
  static mute mute 0;
  { 0 }
  static lock lock 1;
  { 0 }
  static solo solo 2;
  { 0 }
  static override override 3;
  { 1 }
  static passthrough passthrough 4;
  { 1 }
  static preferred preferred 5;
  { 0 }
  static weight weight 6;
  { 1 }
  static rotationAccumulationMode rotationAccumulationMode 7;
  { 0 }
  static scaleAccumulationMode scaleAccumulationMode 8;
  { 1 }
animLayer {
  AnimLayer1 0 0;
  static mute mute 0;
  { 0 }
  static lock lock 1;
  { 0 }
  static solo solo 2;
  { 0 }
  static override override 3;
  { 0 }
  static passthrough passthrough 4;
  { 1 }
  static preferred preferred 5;
  { 0 }
  static weight weight 6;
  { 1 }
  static rotationAccumulationMode rotationAccumulationMode 7;
  { 0 }
  static scaleAccumulationMode scaleAccumulationMode 8;
  { 1 }
dagNode {
  pSphere1 1 1;
  anim translate.translateY translateY 0;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 -0.48952813 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim translate.translateZ translateZ 1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 13.557135 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 -1.0012812 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim visibility visibility 2;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 spline step 1 1 0;
      10 1 spline step 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateX rotateX 3;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateY rotateY 4;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateZ rotateZ 5;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleX scaleX 6;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleY scaleY 7;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleZ scaleZ 8;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      10 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
  cached translate.translateX translateX 0;
  { -5.2988979 -4.7870473 -3.4152877 -1.4293071 0.92520503 3.4025622 5.4610407 0.70032059  }
dagNode {
  pPlane1 1 2;
  static rotate.rotateX rotateX 0;
  { 0 }
  static rotate.rotateY rotateY 1;
  { 0 }
  static rotate.rotateZ rotateZ 2;
  { 0 }
  static scale.scaleX scaleX 3;
  { 1 }
  static scale.scaleY scaleY 4;
  { 1 }
  static scale.scaleZ scaleZ 5;
  { 1 }
  static visibility visibility 9;
  { 1 }
dagNode {
  pCone1 1 1;
  anim translate.translateX translateX 0 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 0 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim translate.translateY translateY 1 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 6.3375941 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 0 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim translate.translateZ translateZ 2 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 0 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim visibility visibility 3 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 spline step 1 1 0;
      8 1 spline step 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateX rotateX 4 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 0 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateY rotateY 5 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 0 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateZ rotateZ 6 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 0 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleX scaleX 7 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 1 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleY scaleY 8 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 1 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleZ scaleZ 9 AnimLayer1;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      8 1 flat auto 1 1 0;
  anim translate.translateX translateX 0 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 -7.4455079 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 7.8797983 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim translate.translateY translateY 1 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 4.2260763 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 4.2260763 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim translate.translateZ translateZ 2 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output linear;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 11.26556 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 11.26556 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim visibility visibility 3 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 spline step 1 1 0;
      12 1 spline step 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateX rotateX 4 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateY rotateY 5 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim rotate.rotateZ rotateZ 6 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output angular;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 0 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleX scaleX 7 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleY scaleY 8 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
  anim scale.scaleZ scaleZ 9 BaseAnimation;
  animData {
    input time;
    output unitless;
    weighted 0;
    preInfinity constant;
    postInfinity constant;
    keys {
      1 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
      12 1 auto auto 1 1 0;
offlineFileData //Maya ASCII 2013ff03 scene
//Name: test.editMA
//Last modified: Tue, Jan 24, 2012 09:59:53 AM
//Codeset: 1252
requires maya "2013ff03";
currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t film;
fileInfo "fileCreationSource" "ExportEdits";
createNode pointConstraint -n "pPlane1_pointConstraint1";
	addAttr -ci true -k true -sn "w0" -ln "pSphere1W0" -dv 1 -min 0 -at "double";
	setAttr -k on ".nds";
	setAttr -k off ".v";
	setAttr -k off ".tx";
	setAttr -k off ".ty";
	setAttr -k off ".tz";
	setAttr -k off ".rx";
	setAttr -k off ".ry";
	setAttr -k off ".rz";
	setAttr -k off ".sx";
	setAttr -k off ".sy";
	setAttr -k off ".sz";
	setAttr ".erp" yes;
	setAttr ".rst" -type "double3" -5.2988978951515193 0 13.55713549736865 ;
	setAttr -k on ".w0";
createNode blendWeighted -n "blendWeighted1";
	setAttr -s 2 ".i";
	setAttr -s 2 ".i";
	setAttr ".c" 1;
createNode animCurveUL -n "animCurveUL1";
	setAttr ".tan" 18;
	setAttr ".wgt" no;
	setAttr -s 3 ".ktv[0:2]"  -7.4455080032348633 0 0.8176116943359375 
		0 6.9187831878662109 -19.794294861417818;
connectAttr "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.ctx" "<main>:pPlane1.tx";
connectAttr "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.cty" "<main>:pPlane1.ty";
connectAttr "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.ctz" "<main>:pPlane1.tz";
connectAttr "<main>:pPlane1.pim" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.cpim";
connectAttr "<main>:pPlane1.rp" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.crp";
connectAttr "<main>:pPlane1.rpt" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.crt";
connectAttr "<main>:pSphere1.t" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.tg[0].tt";
connectAttr "<main>:pSphere1.rp" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.tg[0].trp";
connectAttr "<main>:pSphere1.rpt" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.tg[0].trt";
connectAttr "<main>:pSphere1.pm" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.tg[0].tpm";
connectAttr "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.w0" "pPlane1_pointConstraint1.tg[0].tw";
connectAttr "blendWeighted1.o" "<main>:pSphere1.tx";
connectAttr "<main>:pSphere1_translateX.o" "blendWeighted1.i[0]";
connectAttr "animCurveUL1.o" "blendWeighted1.i[1]";
connectAttr "<main>:pCone1.tx" "animCurveUL1.i";
// End of test.editMA


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