Import .atom animation

After you've exported an .atom animation file (Export .atom animation), you can import the animation on a different object or hierarchy. When importing .atom animation files, you can load the animation based on the source object hierarchy, or based on string matching (including a search and replace). For more complex setups, you can also import based on a map file. (See Set up a map file for ATOM animation import)

If you have created a template file that defines the character nodes and attributes you want to import data on (see Define a character template for animation import and export), you can also import based on that template.

To import animation

  1. Select the object(s) on which you want to load the previously exported animation.
    Note: If importing animation onto multiple hierarchies, ensure that you select the target objects in the order in which you want them to receive animation (corresponding to the order of selection when you exported the animation).
  2. Select File > ATOM > Import Animation, then navigate to select a previously exported animation file you want to load. (Click next to the Atom file field in the Maya Atom Importer Options that appear.)
  3. Set the Import Method to define which objects receive the imported animation.

    Selected loads animation onto selected objects only, Hierarchy loads animation onto selected objects and any child objects if there is matching animation in the .atom file. If you've created a template file to control the import, set to Template (and see below).

  4. Set the Match Method to determine how Maya maps the imported animation to the target objects.

    If the import is relatively simple (for example, if the source animation was exported from a character with a very similar hierarchy, and it contains no Set Driven Key or constraint animation), you can set the Match Method to Hierarchy and no additional mapping information is required. This imports animation based on the hierarchy stored in the source .atom file, directly onto the target hierarchy selected in your scene.

    If the import is more complicated, (for example, if it involves characters with different hierarchies, requires complex namespace changes, or includes Set Driven Key or constraint animation) set the Match Method to String or Map File so that you can manually match objects. (See Set up a map file for ATOM animation import)

    When Match Method is set to String, Maya loads animation by finding matching strings between the .atom file and objects in your scene. If the names of the objects do not match exactly, use the Search and Replace fields to replace the specific string in the imported .atom file as the animation data is imported. For example if your exported animation contains objects named L_Hand_*, and your target objects are named Left_Hand_*, enter L as the Search string and Left as the Replace string.

    You can also use the Add Prefix/Add Suffix fields to append text before or after the imported names.

    Note: If the imported .atom file contains namespaces, Maya attempts to remove them on import. You can also use the Search and Replace fields to manually remove more complex namespaces.
  5. (Optional) Turn on Replace if you want the imported animation to replace any existing animation on the selected object(s) within the specified Time Range.

    Maya loads the animation from the selected .atom file onto the selected objects.

  6. Press Play in the Animation Controls, and the imported animation plays on the selected object(s).

Import animation based on a template

You can import animation based on a whole template, or based on individual views within the template. Individual views let you mask part of the template to import animation for only a specific part of the character (such as the hands, face, or body). (See also Define a character template for animation export.)

To import animation based on a template

  1. If you're importing animation for a character, select any object in the hierarchy. (For example, select the root of the character hierarchy.)
    Note: Maya imports the animation data based only on what is specified in the template, independent of what you have selected in the scene. If you have additional objects selected that are not specified in the template, Maya deselects them on import (to indicate which objects receive the imported animation).
  2. Select File > ATOM > Import Animation.
  3. In the Maya Atom Importer Options window, set Import Method to Template, then navigate to select the template file you want.

    The Atom Importer Options update so that any views available in the selected template are listed in the View drop-down menu.

  4. (Optional) To filter the imported animation and load animation onto only one specific part of the character's body, select the associated view from the View drop-down menu, then click Apply.

    If there are no views available, or if you do not specify a particular view, Maya attempts to load animation for the entire hierarchy defined in the template.

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