Export .atom animation

Using the Atom Exporter Options, you can specify the exact time range and channels you want to export. You can also set whether to include constraints, static values, and animation layers in the exported .atom file.

To export animation

  1. Select the object(s) with animation you want to export.

    For example, select the root object of a character skeleton or Control rig.

    Note: If you select more than one hierarchy, selection order is important. When you import this .atom file later, you must also select the target objects in the order that you want them to receive the imported animation.
  2. Select File > ATOM > Export Animation.
  3. In the Maya Atom Exporter Options that appear, enter a file name in the Atom file field (and click to browse and specify the location) for the exported animation.
  4. Set options to indicate which animation and how you want to export to the .atom file. For example:
    • Select the Include options you want, whether to save Set Driven Key animation, Constraints, Static Values, Baked Animation, Animation Layers, or Control Points.
      Important: If you include Constraints or Set Driven Key animation in your .atom file, you cannot do a simple import based on the character hierarchy. (See Import .atom animation for more information.)
    • Set the Hierarchy option to specify the objects you want export animation from.
      Note: Set to Template if you want to export animation based on a specified template file. See also Define a character template for animation export.
    • Use the Time Range options to specify the segment of animation to export.
    Tip: To export a single pose, set the Time Range to Single Frame, then enter the frame you want in the Start Time field.
  5. Click Apply and Close.

    Maya saves the .atom file containing your animation in the specified location.

    Note: If the selected objects have namespaces, the namespaces are included in the .atom file.

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