Add and import content to the Time Editor

The Time Editor lets you add Maya ASCII (.ma)/Maya Binary (.mb) files, audio files, FBX files, and sets. New clips are created on first empty track, if one exists, otherwise, a new track is created.

There are multiple ways to bring animation into the Time Editor to edit. You can:
Important: When you bring animation into the Time Editor, there must first be an object to which you want to add animation already in the Maya scene. If no animation is loaded in the scene, import ma, .mb, or .fbx animation files into Maya for use in the Time Editor. (This process is described in Import animation into the Time Editor.)

Quick Start Tips

The Time Editor Quick Start Tips appear each time you open the Time Editor in a new Maya session. They are included so you can get up and running with animation in the Time Editor quickly. The first two graphics are interactive, and you can click them import content into Maya to use with the Time Editor or add content that is already in the Maya scene. The third reminds you that you can drag files from the Content or file browsers.