XGen interactive groom descriptionShape node attributes

The descriptionShape node contains the global settings that control the shape and display of the hairs on the mesh surface.

Primitive Attributes

Width Scale
Globally scales the per-CV width value to generate the final width of the hairs displayed in the scene.

The local width of each hair is determined on a per-CV basis. The Width brush sets width values on each CV as it moves across the hairs. These width per-CV values are then multiplied by the Width Scale attribute. You can also set Width Scale in the Create Interactive Groom Splines Options window.

Controls the width at the tip of each hair compared to its base. Positive values make the tip narrower than its base, and negative values make the tip wider than its base.
Taper Start
Controls where the hair width starts to taper. Taper Start ranges from 0.0 (the base) to 1.0 (the tip).
Tube Shade
Displays hairs so that they appear tubular rather than flat. Tube Shade only works in Viewport 2.0 and has no effect on the final render.
Width Ramp
Lets you set the width of hairs along their length from root to tip. Values generated by the ramp are multipliers for the set Width Scale attribute value. You can choose how Maya interpolates between points in the ramp by selecting a method from the Interpolation list.

Preview Settings

Highlight Placed Splines
When on, hairs added to the mesh surface using the Place tool display with the selected color.

Interactive Grooming Tools.

Note: Turn this on to display the splines transferred from a legacy XGen description after it is converted to interactive groom hairs.
Click the swatch to choose a color to display placed hairs.
Color Intensity
Adjusts the opacity of the set Color.
Draw Control Vertices
When on, control vertices on each hair strand display as yellow points.
CV Size
Sets the size of the hair control vertices in pixels.
CV Opacity
Adjusts the opacity values of the control vertices' display.
Render Density Multiplier
Lets you increase or decrease the density of the hairs for rendering. This changes the density of the hairs at render time only. The resulting hair density does not appear in scene view.