Edit multiple shells with topological symmetry

If two shells have identical topology and are part of the same combined geometry, like eyeballs in a head mesh, you can use topological symmetry to edit them both at the same time.

To edit multiple shells with topological symmetry

  1. Select the shells you want to edit.
    Tip: You can only use topological symmetry on multiple shells when they're part of a combined mesh. Select Mesh > Combine to combine two separate shells into a single mesh.
  2. Select a face on each shell.

    The faces must be matching.

  3. Select an adjacent edge to each selected face.
    The two edges must be mirrored.
  4. Activate topological symmetry. See Activate or deactivate symmetry.
  5. Move your cursor across one shell and components highlight on both shells.
  6. Use the transform tools to edit the shells.

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