Extend Curve on Surface Options

Use the following options to set what happens when you select Curves > Extend > Extend Curve on Surface.

Note: Extend curve on surface may appear to temporarily slow down Maya while editing the extension distance. The computation can take a longer period of time than expected.

Extend Method

Specifies how to extend the curve in the surface’s UV space:

Parametric Distance

Linear extends the curve in a straight line.

Circular extends the curve in an arc direction.

Extrapolate extends the curve by deducing the direction and tangency of the curve.

The Parametric Distance value specifies the length of the extension. The value specifies a percentage of the surface length in the direction the curve runs. For instance, a value of 0.5 extends the curve length by roughly half the length of the surface in the direction the curve runs.

UV Point

Lets you specify an extend position in the UV Point To Extend To entry box. To use actual UV values rather than estimates, select Create > Measure Tools > Parameter Tool, drag on the surface, and release the mouse button to display the UV coordinates at the pointer.

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