When you select Lock Length, the selected curve (or selected CVs) will maintain a constant hull length. If you then modify the curve, for example, by moving a CV, the shape of the curve will adjust so that it maintains a constant hull length (that is, CVs other than the one you move will also move). When you first lock the length of a curve, a Lock Length attribute is added to the curveShape node. You can use the l (lower-case L) key as a momentary hotkey. Press and hold down the l key to lock the length of the selected curve. Release the l key to unlock the length of the curve.
When you select Unlock Length, the selected curve (or selected CVs) will no longer maintain a constant hull length. If you then modify the curve, for example, by moving a CV, the curve’s hull length will not remain constant (and only the CV you move will actually move). When you select Unlock Length, the curveShape’s Lock Length attribute is turned off.
Makes the selected curves (or selected CVs) bend in one direction. The curve’s first CV will maintain its original position.
Curves > Bend
to set the
Bend Curves Options.
Makes the selected curves (or selected CVs) curly so they resemble a helix. The curve’s first CV will maintain its original position.
Curves > Curl >
to set the
Curl Curves Options.
Makes the selected curves (or selected CVs) straighter or exaggerates their existing curvature, depending upon the Scale Factor and Max Curvature values.
Curves > Scale Curvature
to set the
Scale Curvature Options.
Makes the selected curves (or selected CVs) smoother. The curve’s first and last CVs will maintain their original positions.
Curves > (Modify) Smooth
to set the
Smooth Curves Options.
Makes the selected curves (or selected CVs) straighter (in the direction of the curve’s first segment). The curve’s first CV will maintain its original position.
Curves > Straighten
to set the
Straighten Curves Options.
Creates a new NURBS curve from the selected surface edge, isoparm, or curve-on-surface.
Curves > Duplicate Surface Curves
to set the
Duplicate Surface Curves Options.
Aligns the endpoints of curves.
Curves > Align
to set the
Align Curves Options.
Lets you add points to the end of the selected curve.
Joins NURBS curves together at their endpoints to form a new curve. You can select two or more curves for attaching.
Splits a curve into two new curves.
Shows a manipulator on the curve you click that lets you change the position and direction at arbitrary points along the curve. Adjust the Tangent Manip. Size to control the length of the tangent direction handle on the manipulator.
Moves the join point of a closed/periodic curve to the selected edit point.
Converts a curve between open and closed/periodic.
Curves > Open/Close >
to set the
Open/Close Curve Options.
Creates a curve between two independent curves that do not intersect.
Curves > Fillet >
to set the
Fillet Curve Options.
Splits curves wherever they cross a cutting curve in the view.
Curves > Cut >
to set the
Cut Curve Options.
Creates curve point locators where two or more independent curves touch or cross one another in a view or direction. Intersect Curves is commonly used with Curves > Cut, Curves > Detach, and Snap to Point.
Curves > Intersect >
to set the
Intersect Curve Options.
Extends a curve or creates a new curve as an extension.
Curves > Extend > Extend Curve >
to set the
Extend Curve Options or select
Curves > Extend > Extend Curve on Surface >
to set the
Extend Curve on Surface Options.
Inserts an edit point at the selected curve point.
Curves > Insert Knot >
to set the
Insert Knot Options.
Creates an copy of the selection, offset from the original by a certain distance. Select from Offset Curve and Offset Curve On Surface.
Curves > Offset > Offset Curve >
to set the
Offset Curve Options or select
Curves > Offset > Offset Curve on Surface >
to set the
Offset Curve on Surface Options.
Sets the multiplicity of the selected CVs.
Curves > CV Hardness >
to set the
CV Hardness Options.
Fits a degree 3 (cubic) curve to a degree 1 (linear) curve. Typically you use Fit B-spline after you import curves, surfaces, and digitized data from other products in which the curves have curve degree 1.
Curves > Fit B-spline >
to set the
Fit B-spline Options.
Makes the end of a curve tangent or curvature continuous with another curve or surface.
Curves > Project Tangent >
to set the
Project Tangent Options.
Smooths out kinks in the selected curve(s). Select the command again to smooth more.
Curves > (Edit) Smooth >
to set the
Smooth Curve Options (Edit).
Lets you change the selected anchor (Control Vertex) or the selected tangents on a bezier curve.
Select Curves > Bezier Curves > Tangent Options and select a Bezier Curve Tangent Options or select Curves > Bezier Curves > Anchor Presets and select one of the Bezier Curve Anchor Presets.
Performs various operations to modify the selected curve.
Curves > Rebuild >
to set the
Rebuild Curve Options.
Reverses the direction of the selected curve(s).
Curves > Reverse Direction >
to set the
Reverse Curve Options.