Unfold a UV mesh

Unfolding a UV mesh refers to the process of cutting a seam in the UV mesh and then unfolding along that seam.

To unfold a UV mesh

  1. Prepare your UV mesh for unfolding.
  2. In the UV Editor, select the UVs on your mesh you want to unfold.
  3. In the UV Toolkit, select Unfold > Unfold (or alternatively UV > Unfold > in the menu bar to customize the options).
  4. In the Unfold UVs options window. In particular:
    • If the Method is set to Unfold3D, then any unselected UVs will automatically be pinned.
    • If the Method is set to Legacy, only the selected UVs will be pinned.
  5. Click Apply and Close.
  6. If you want to stop the unfold operation, press Esc.
Alternatively, you can use the Unfold Tool (Unfold > Unfold Tool in the UV Toolkit, or Tools > Unfold in the menu bar) to interactively paint over regions you want unfolded. This only works for the Unfold3D Method.
Note: You can quickly switch between the Unfold and Optimize Tool in the Tool Settings.
Note: You can Pin UVs to keep them from moving during an unfold operation.

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