Export the scene Render Settings and AOVs and apply them to a new scene

Export the scene Render Settings and AOVs without any overrides, then import this preset into a new scene.

As you work in a scene and create Render Settings and AOV overrides in your render layers, you may want to export a .json of the scene Render Settings without any override values applied, then import this preset into a new scene. Likewise, you may want to export AOVs without any override values.

To export the scene Render Settings without any override values, do one of the following:

To export the scene AOVs without any override values, do one of the following:

In this example, selecting File > Export Scene AOVs creates a .json that does not include the override values: the direct AOV remains enabled, and the Png Format for the diffuse AOV is set to int8, as in the scene layer.

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