C++ API Reference

Tool information. More...

#include <MToolsInfo.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void setDirtyFlag (const MPxContext &context)
 This method should be called by a tool when the value of a tool property sheet option has changed. More...
static void resetDirtyFlag ()
 This method resets the dirty flag, such that the state becomes clean.
static bool isDirty ()
 This method returns whether or not the dirty flag is set. More...
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Detailed Description

Tool information.

MToolsInfo is a caretaker class used to keep track of the state of the current tool property sheet. The tool writer should make sure to call the setDirtyFlag method when any of the values are modified. The dirty flag is used to indicate that the UI needs to be updated when the value of a tool property sheet option has changed.

Member Function Documentation

OPENMAYA_MAJOR_NAMESPACE_OPEN void setDirtyFlag ( const MPxContext context)

This method should be called by a tool when the value of a tool property sheet option has changed.

The dirty flag will only be set if this is the current tool.

[in]contextthe context whose value has changed
grabUVMain.cpp, and helixTool/helixTool.cpp.
bool isDirty ( )

This method returns whether or not the dirty flag is set.

true if the dirty flag is set, false otherwise.
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

The name of this class.

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