C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Lasso selection within a user defined context.
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/M3dView.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPxContextCommand.h>
#include <maya/MPxContext.h>
#include <maya/MCursor.h>
#include <maya/MEvent.h>
#include <maya/MGL.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MItCurveCV.h>
#include <maya/MItSurfaceCV.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshVertex.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshEdge.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshPolygon.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
LPCSTR lassoToolCursor = "lassoToolCursor.cur";
#include "lassoToolCursor.h"
#include "lassoToolCursorMask.h"
#define lassoToolCursor_x_hot 1
#define lassoToolCursor_y_hot 16
class coord {
short h;
short v;
extern "C" int xycompare( coord *p1, coord *p2 );
int xycompare( coord *p1, coord *p2 )
if ( p1->v > p2->v )
return 1;
if ( p2->v > p1->v )
return -1;
if ( p1->h > p2->h )
return 1;
if ( p2->h > p1->h )
return -1;
return 0;
// The user Context
const int initialSize = 1024;
const int increment = 256;
const char helpString[] = "drag mouse to select points by encircling";
class lassoTool : public MPxContext
~lassoTool() override;
void* creator();
void toolOnSetup( MEvent & event ) override;
MStatus doPress( MEvent & event ) override;
MStatus doDrag( MEvent & event ) override;
MStatus doRelease( MEvent & event ) override;
void append_lasso( short x, short y );
void draw_lasso();
bool point_in_lasso( coord pt );
bool firstDraw;
coord min;
coord max;
unsigned maxSize;
unsigned num_points;
coord* lasso;
MGlobal::ListAdjustment listAdjustment;
M3dView view;
MCursor lassoCursor;
: maxSize(0)
, num_points(0)
, lasso(NULL)
#ifdef _WIN32
, lassoCursor(lassoToolCursor)
, lassoCursor(lassoToolCursor_width,
setTitleString ( "Lasso Pick" );
// set the initial state of the cursor
// Tell the context which XPM to use so the tool can properly
// be a candidate for the 6th position on the mini-bar.
setImage("lassoTool.xpm", MPxContext::kImage1 );
lassoTool::~lassoTool() {}
void* lassoTool::creator()
return new lassoTool;
void lassoTool::toolOnSetup ( MEvent & )
setHelpString( helpString );
MStatus lassoTool::doPress( MEvent & event )
// Set up for overlay drawing, and remember our starting point
// Figure out which modifier keys were pressed, and set up the
// listAdjustment parameter to reflect what to do with the selected points.
if (event.isModifierShift() || event.isModifierControl() ) {
if ( event.isModifierShift() ) {
if ( event.isModifierControl() ) {
// both shift and control pressed, merge new selections
listAdjustment = MGlobal::kAddToList;
} else {
// shift only, xor new selections with previous ones
listAdjustment = MGlobal::kXORWithList;
} else if ( event.isModifierControl() ) {
// control only, remove new selections from the previous list
listAdjustment = MGlobal::kRemoveFromList;
} else {
listAdjustment = MGlobal::kReplaceList;
// Get the active 3D view.
// Create an array to hold the lasso points. Assume no mem failures
maxSize = initialSize;
lasso = (coord*) malloc (sizeof(coord) * maxSize);
coord start;
event.getPosition( start.h, start.v );
num_points = 1;
lasso[0] = min = max = start;
firstDraw = true;
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus lassoTool::doDrag( MEvent & event )
// Add to the growing lasso
view.beginXorDrawing(true, true, 1.0f, M3dView::kStippleDashed);
if (!firstDraw) {
// Redraw the old lasso to clear it.
} else {
firstDraw = false;
coord currentPos;
event.getPosition( currentPos.h, currentPos.v );
append_lasso( currentPos.h, currentPos.v );
// Draw the new lasso.
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus lassoTool::doRelease( MEvent & /*event*/ )
// Selects objects within the lasso
MStatus stat;
MSelectionList incomingList, boundingBoxList, newList;
if (!firstDraw) {
// Redraw the lasso to clear it.
view.beginXorDrawing(true, true, 1.0f, M3dView::kStippleDashed);
// We have a non-zero sized lasso. Close the lasso, and sort
// all the points on it.
append_lasso(lasso[0].h, lasso[0].v);
qsort( &(lasso[0]), num_points, sizeof( coord ),
(int (*)(const void *, const void *))xycompare);
// Save the state of the current selections. The "selectFromSceen"
// below will alter the active list, and we have to be able to put
// it back.
// As a first approximation to the lasso, select all components with
// the bounding box that just contains the lasso.
MGlobal::selectFromScreen( min.h, min.v, max.h, max.v,
// Get the list of selected items from within the bounding box
// and create a iterator for them.
// Restore the active selection list to what it was before we
// the "selectFromScreen"
// Iterate over the objects within the bounding box, extract the
// ones that are within the lasso, and add those to newList.
MItSelectionList iter(boundingBoxList);
bool foundEntireObjects = false;
bool foundComponents = false;
for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) {
MDagPath dagPath;
MObject component;
MPoint point;
coord pt;
MObject singleComponent;
iter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );
if (component.isNull()) {
foundEntireObjects = true;
continue; // not a component
foundComponents = true;
switch (component.apiType()) {
MItCurveCV curveCVIter( dagPath, component, &stat );
for ( ; !curveCVIter.isDone(); curveCVIter.next() ) {
point = curveCVIter.position(MSpace::kWorld, &stat );
view.worldToView( point, pt.h, pt.v, &stat );
if (!stat) {
stat.perror("Could not get position");
if ( point_in_lasso( pt ) ) {
singleComponent = curveCVIter.currentItem();
newList.add (dagPath, singleComponent);
MItSurfaceCV surfCVIter( dagPath, component, true, &stat );
for ( ; !surfCVIter.isDone(); surfCVIter.next() ) {
point = surfCVIter.position(MSpace::kWorld, &stat );
view.worldToView( point, pt.h, pt.v, &stat );
if (!stat) {
stat.perror("Could not get position");
if ( point_in_lasso( pt ) ) {
singleComponent = surfCVIter.currentItem();
newList.add (dagPath, singleComponent);
MItMeshVertex vertexIter( dagPath, component, &stat );
for ( ; !vertexIter.isDone(); vertexIter.next() ) {
point = vertexIter.position(MSpace::kWorld, &stat );
view.worldToView( point, pt.h, pt.v, &stat );
if (!stat) {
stat.perror("Could not get position");
if ( point_in_lasso( pt ) ) {
singleComponent = vertexIter.currentItem();
newList.add (dagPath, singleComponent);
MItMeshEdge edgeIter( dagPath, component, &stat );
for ( ; !edgeIter.isDone(); edgeIter.next() ) {
point = edgeIter.center(MSpace::kWorld, &stat );
view.worldToView( point, pt.h, pt.v, &stat );
if (!stat) {
stat.perror("Could not get position");
if ( point_in_lasso( pt ) ) {
singleComponent = edgeIter.currentItem();
newList.add (dagPath, singleComponent);
MItMeshPolygon polygonIter( dagPath, component, &stat );
for ( ; !polygonIter.isDone(); polygonIter.next() ) {
point = polygonIter.center(MSpace::kWorld, &stat );
view.worldToView( point, pt.h, pt.v, &stat );
if (!stat) {
stat.perror("Could not get position");
if ( point_in_lasso( pt ) ) {
singleComponent = polygonIter.currentItem();
newList.add (dagPath, singleComponent);
cerr << "Selected unsupported type: (" << component.apiType()
<< "): " << component.apiTypeStr() << endl;
// Warn user if zie is trying to select objects rather than components.
if (foundEntireObjects && !foundComponents) {
MGlobal::displayWarning("lassoTool can only select components, not entire objects.");
// Update the selection list as indicated by the modifier keys.
MGlobal::selectCommand(newList, listAdjustment);
// Free the memory that held our lasso points.
lasso = (coord*) 0;
maxSize = 0;
num_points = 0;
return MS::kSuccess;
void lassoTool::append_lasso( short x, short y )
int cy, iy, ix, ydif, yinc, i;
float fx, xinc;
iy = (int)lasso[num_points-1].v;
ix = (int)lasso[num_points-1].h;
ydif = abs( y - iy );
if ( ydif == 0 )
// Keep track of smallest rectangular area of the screen that
// completely contains the lasso.
if ( min.h > x )
min.h = x;
if ( max.h < x )
max.h = x;
if ( min.v > y )
min.v = y;
if ( max.v < y )
max.v = y;
if ( ((int)y - iy ) < 0 )
yinc = -1;
yinc = 1;
xinc = (float)((int)x - ix)/(float)ydif;
fx = (float)ix + xinc;
cy = iy + yinc;
for ( i = 0; i < ydif; i++ ) {
if ( num_points >= maxSize ) {
// Make the array of lasso points bigger
maxSize += increment;
// If realloc() fails, it returns NULL but keeps the old block
// of memory around, so let's not overwrite the contents of
// 'lasso' until we know that realloc() worked.
coord* newLasso = (coord*) realloc (lasso, sizeof(coord) * maxSize);
if (newLasso == NULL) return;
lasso = newLasso;
lasso[num_points].h = (short) fx;
lasso[num_points].v = (short) cy;
fx += xinc;
cy += yinc;
void lassoTool::draw_lasso()
glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < num_points ; i++ ){
glVertex2i( lasso[i].h, lasso[i].v );
bool lassoTool::point_in_lasso( coord pt )
unsigned i, sides;
for ( i = 0; i < num_points; i++ ) {
if ( lasso[i].v == pt.v ) {
while ( (lasso[i].v == pt.v ) && (lasso[i].h < pt.h) )
if ( lasso[i].v != pt.v )
return( false );
sides = 0;
while ( lasso[i].v == pt.v ) {
if ( sides % 2 )
return( false );
return( true );
return( false );
// Command to create contexts
class lassoContextCmd : public MPxContextCommand
lassoContextCmd() {};
MPxContext* makeObj() override;
static void* creator();
MPxContext* lassoContextCmd::makeObj()
return new lassoTool;
void* lassoContextCmd::creator()
return new lassoContextCmd;
// plugin initialization
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerContextCommand( "lassoToolContext",
lassoContextCmd::creator );
if (!status) {
return status;
// set the mel scripts to be run when the plugin is loaded / unloaded
status = plugin.registerUI("lassoToolCreateUI", "lassoToolDeleteUI");
if (!status) {
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
status = plugin.deregisterContextCommand( "lassoToolContext" );
return status;