C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Produces the dependency graph node "simpleEmitter".
// This node is an example of a particle emitter that
// emits in a direction from a single position.
// The example MEL script "simpleEmitter.mel" shows how to create the node
// and appropriate connections to correctly establish a user defined particle emitter.
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "simpleEmitter.h"
#include <maya/MVectorArray.h>
#include <maya/MDoubleArray.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MArrayDataBuilder.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnUnitAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnVectorArrayData.h>
#include <maya/MFnDoubleArrayData.h>
#include <maya/MFnArrayAttrsData.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>
MTypeId simpleEmitter::id( 0x80014 );
: lastWorldPoint(0, 0, 0, 1)
void *simpleEmitter::creator()
return new simpleEmitter;
MStatus simpleEmitter::initialize()
// Descriptions:
// Initialize the node, create user defined attributes.
return( MS::kSuccess );
MStatus simpleEmitter::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
// Descriptions:
// Call emit emit method to generate new particles.
MStatus status;
// Determine if we are requesting the output plug for this emitter node.
if( !(plug == mOutput) )
return( MS::kUnknownParameter );
// Get the logical index of the element this plug refers to,
// because the node can be emitting particles into more
// than one particle shape.
int multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status );
McheckErr(status, "ERROR in plug.logicalIndex.\n");
// Get output data arrays (position, velocity, or parentId)
// that the particle shape is holding from the previous frame.
MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue( mOutput, &status);
McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue.\n");
// Create a builder to aid in the array construction efficiently.
MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder( &status );
McheckErr(status, "ERROR in bOutArray = hOutArray.builder.\n");
// Get the appropriate data array that is being currently evaluated.
MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex, &status);
McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOut = bOutArray.addElement.\n");
// Create the data and apply the function set,
// particle array initialized to length zero,
// fnOutput.clear()
MObject dOutput = fnOutput.create ( &status );
McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnOutput.create.\n");
// Check if the particle object has reached it's maximum,
// hence is full. If it is full then just return with zero particles.
bool beenFull = isFullValue( multiIndex, block );
if( beenFull )
return( MS::kSuccess );
// Get input position and velocity arrays where new particles are from,
// also known as the owner. An owner is determined if connections exist
// to the emitter node from a shape such as nurbs, polymesh, curve,
// or a lattice shape.
// Get a single position from world transform
MVectorArray inPosAry;
MPoint worldPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
status = getWorldPosition( worldPos );
MVector worldV;
worldV[0] = worldPos[0];
worldV[1] = worldPos[1];
worldV[2] = worldPos[2];
inPosAry.append( worldV );
// Create a single velocity
MVectorArray inVelAry;
MVector velocity(0,0,0);
inVelAry.append( velocity );
// Get deltaTime, currentTime and startTime.
// If deltaTime <= 0.0, or currentTime <= startTime,
// do not emit new pariticles and return.
MTime cT = currentTimeValue( block );
MTime sT = startTimeValue( multiIndex, block );
MTime dT = deltaTimeValue( multiIndex, block );
if( (cT <= sT) || (dT <= 0.0) )
// We do not emit particles before the start time,
// and do not emit particles when moving backwards in time.
// This code is necessary primarily the first time to
// establish the new data arrays allocated, and since we have
// already set the data array to length zero it does
// not generate any new particles.
hOut.set( dOutput );
block.setClean( plug );
return( MS::kSuccess );
// Compute and store an emission rate
MIntArray emitCountPP;
int plugIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status );
// Get rate and delta time.
double rate = rateValue( block );
MTime dtRate = deltaTimeValue( plugIndex, block );
double dblCount = rate * dtRate.as( MTime::kSeconds );
int intCount = (int)dblCount;
emitCountPP.append( intCount );
// Get speed, direction vector, and inheritFactor attributes.
double speed = speedValue( block );
MVector dirV = directionVector( block );
double inheritFactor = inheritFactorValue( multiIndex, block );
// Get the position, velocity, and normalized time arrays to append new particle data.
MVectorArray fnOutPos = fnOutput.vectorArray("position", &status);
MVectorArray fnOutVel = fnOutput.vectorArray("velocity", &status);
MDoubleArray fnOutTime = fnOutput.doubleArray("timeInStep", &status);
// Convert deltaTime into seconds.
double dt = dT.as( MTime::kSeconds );
// Rotate the direction attribute by world transform
MVector rotatedV = useRotation ( dirV );
// Start emitting particles.
emit( inPosAry, inVelAry, emitCountPP,
dt, speed, inheritFactor, rotatedV, fnOutPos, fnOutVel, fnOutTime );
// Update the data block with new dOutput and set plug clean.
hOut.set( dOutput );
block.setClean( plug );
return( MS::kSuccess );
void simpleEmitter::emit
const MVectorArray &inPosAry, // points where new particles from
const MVectorArray &inVelAry, // initial velocity of new particles
const MIntArray &emitCountPP, // # of new particles per point
double dt, // elapsed time
double speed, // speed factor
double inheritFactor, // for inherit velocity
MVector dirV, // emit direction
MVectorArray &outPosAry, // holding new particles position
MVectorArray &outVelAry, // holding new particles velocity
MDoubleArray &outTimeAry // holding new particles emitted time
// Descriptions:
// check the length of input arrays.
int posLength = inPosAry.length();
int velLength = inVelAry.length();
int countLength = emitCountPP.length();
if( (posLength != velLength) || (posLength != countLength) )
// Compute total emit count.
int index;
int totalCount = 0;
for( index = 0; index < countLength; index ++ )
totalCount += emitCountPP[index];
if( totalCount <= 0 )
// Map direction vector into world space and normalize it.
// Start emission.
int emitCount;
MVector newPos, newVel;
MVector prePos, sPos, sVel;
for( index = 0; index < posLength; index++ )
emitCount = emitCountPP[index];
if( emitCount <= 0 )
sPos = inPosAry[index];
sVel = inVelAry[index];
prePos = sPos - sVel * dt;
for( int i = 0; i < emitCount; i++ )
double alpha = ( (double)i + drand48() ) / (double)emitCount;
newPos = (1 - alpha) * prePos + alpha * sPos;
newVel = dirV * speed;
newPos += newVel * ( dt * (1 - alpha) );
newVel += sVel * inheritFactor;
// Add new data into output arrays.
outPosAry.append( newPos );
outVelAry.append( newVel );
outTimeAry.append( alpha );
MStatus simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition( MPoint &point )
// Descriptions:
// get the emitter position in the world space.
// The position value is from inherited attribute, aWorldMatrix.
MStatus status;
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );
// get worldMatrix attribute.
MObject worldMatrixAttr = fnThisNode.attribute( "worldMatrix" );
// build worldMatrix plug, and specify which element the plug refers to.
// We use the first element(the first dagPath of this emitter).
MPlug matrixPlug( thisNode, worldMatrixAttr );
matrixPlug = matrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 );
// Get the value of the 'worldMatrix' attribute
MObject matrixObject;
status = matrixPlug.getValue( matrixObject );
if( !status )
status.perror("simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition: get matrixObject");
return( status );
MFnMatrixData worldMatrixData( matrixObject, &status );
if( !status )
status.perror("simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition: get worldMatrixData");
return( status );
MMatrix worldMatrix = worldMatrixData.matrix( &status );
if( !status )
status.perror("simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition: get worldMatrix");
return( status );
// assign the translate to the given vector.
point[0] = worldMatrix( 3, 0 );
point[1] = worldMatrix( 3, 1 );
point[2] = worldMatrix( 3, 2 );
return( status );
MStatus simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition( MDataBlock& block, MPoint &point )
// Descriptions:
// Find the emitter position in the world space.
MStatus status;
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );
// get worldMatrix attribute.
MObject worldMatrixAttr = fnThisNode.attribute( "worldMatrix" );
// build worldMatrix plug, and specify which element the plug refers to.
// We use the first element(the first dagPath of this emitter).
MPlug matrixPlug( thisNode, worldMatrixAttr );
matrixPlug = matrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 );
MDataHandle hWMatrix = block.inputValue( matrixPlug, &status );
McheckErr(status, "ERROR getting hWMatrix from dataBlock.\n");
if( status == MS::kSuccess )
MMatrix wMatrix = hWMatrix.asMatrix();
point[0] = wMatrix(3, 0);
point[1] = wMatrix(3, 1);
point[2] = wMatrix(3, 2);
return( status );
MVector simpleEmitter::useRotation ( MVector &direction )
MStatus status;
MVector rotatedVector;
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );
// get worldMatrix attribute.
MObject worldMatrixAttr = fnThisNode.attribute( "worldMatrix" );
// build worldMatrix plug, and specify which element the plug refers to.
// We use the first element(the first dagPath of this emitter).
MPlug matrixPlug( thisNode, worldMatrixAttr );
matrixPlug = matrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 );
// Get the value of the 'worldMatrix' attribute
MObject matrixObject;
status = matrixPlug.getValue( matrixObject );
if( !status )
status.perror("simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition: get matrixObject");
return ( direction );
MFnMatrixData worldMatrixData( matrixObject, &status );
if( !status )
status.perror("simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition: get worldMatrixData");
return( direction );
MMatrix worldMatrix = worldMatrixData.matrix( &status );
if( !status )
status.perror("simpleEmitter::getWorldPosition: get worldMatrix");
return( direction );
rotatedVector = direction * worldMatrix;
return( rotatedVector );
#define TORUS_PI 3.14159265
#define TORUS_2PI 2*TORUS_PI
#define EDGES 30
#define SEGMENTS 20
// Descriptions:
// Draw a set of rings to symbolize the field. This does not override default icon, you can do that by implementing the iconBitmap() function
void simpleEmitter::draw( M3dView& view, const MDagPath& path, M3dView::DisplayStyle style, M3dView:: DisplayStatus )
for (int j = 0; j < SEGMENTS; j++ )
glRotatef( GLfloat(360 * j / SEGMENTS), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glTranslatef( 1.5, 0.0, 0.0 );
for (int i = 0; i < EDGES; i++ )
float p0 = float( TORUS_2PI * i / EDGES );
float p1 = float( TORUS_2PI * (i+1) / EDGES );
glVertex2f( cos(p0), sin(p0) );
glVertex2f( cos(p1), sin(p1) );
view.endGL ();
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerNode( "simpleEmitter", simpleEmitter::id,
&simpleEmitter::creator, &simpleEmitter::initialize,
if (!status) {
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
status = plugin.deregisterNode( simpleEmitter::id );
if (!status) {
return status;
return status;