C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// File: sseDeformer.cc
// Description:
// Example implementation of a deformer. This node
// offsets vertices according to the CV's weights.
// The weights are set using the set editor or the
// percent command.
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h> // for FLT_MAX
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MPxGeometryFilter.h>
#include <maya/MItGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MPxLocatorNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MArrayDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MTimer.h>
#include <maya/MDagModifier.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MFloatPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMeshData.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVectorArray.h>
// Macros
#define MCheckStatus(status,message) \
if( MStatus::kSuccess != status ) { \
cerr << message << "\n"; \
return status; \
class sseDeformer : public MPxGeometryFilter
~sseDeformer() override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
// deformation function
MStatus compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& dataBlock) override;
// local node attributes
static MObject sseEnabled; // Boolean indicating whether the SSE path is to be used
static MTypeId id; // Plug-in ID
// Helper method to make it easier to handle both the case of evaluating
// one child (as in DG evaluation) and the case of evaluating all children
// (as in EM evaluation).
MStatus computeOneOutput(unsigned int index, MDataBlock& data, MDataHandle& hInput);
MTypeId sseDeformer::id( 0x8104E );
// local attributes
MObject sseDeformer::sseEnabled;
sseDeformer::sseDeformer() {}
sseDeformer::~sseDeformer() {}
void* sseDeformer::creator()
return new sseDeformer();
MStatus sseDeformer::initialize()
// local attribute initialization
MStatus status;
sseEnabled=mSSEAttr.create( "enableSSE", "sse", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0, &status);
// deformation attributes
status = addAttribute( sseEnabled );
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR in addAttribute\n");
status = attributeAffects( sseEnabled, outputGeom );
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR in attributeAffects\n");
// Standard compute method. Notice how it handles both the case of
// evaluation of the child and the parent array plugs.
// Normal deformer plug-ins only override the deform() method, which is
// the simpler way to do things. In those cases where you have other
// reasons for wanting to override the compute() method directly use this
// as a template for how to do that.
MStatus sseDeformer::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
MStatus status;
MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();
if (plug.attribute() != outputGeom)
printf("Ignoring requested plug\n");
return status;
// The evaluation manager always evaluates root attributes so it is
// necessary in the compute() method to handle that case, as well as
// the case of only evaluating a single child attribute.
if( plug.isArray() )
// In the EM evaluation the input array will already have been
// computed so inputArrayReference() could also be used, but
// this way the same code works for EM and DG modes.
MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
MArrayDataHandle hInput = data.inputArrayValue(inPlug, &status);
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");
status = hInput.jumpToArrayElement(0);
if( MStatus::kSuccess == status )
MDataHandle hInputElement = hInput.inputValue( &status );
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh element\n");
unsigned int inputIndex = hInput.elementIndex(&status);
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh element index\n");
computeOneOutput( inputIndex, data, hInputElement );
} while( MStatus::kSuccess == hInput.next() );
// Children are still computed when you are doing some types of manipulation,
// when the EM is disabled, when the EM mode is set to "off", or in those rare
// cases where an internal evaluation has triggered a non-root plug request.
MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
MDataHandle hInput = data.inputValue(inPlug, &status);
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");
computeOneOutput( plug.logicalIndex(), data, hInput );
return status;
// Given the index of a single input, compute the corresponding deformed output
// and put it back into the datablock.
MStatus sseDeformer::computeOneOutput(unsigned int index, MDataBlock& data, MDataHandle& hInput)
MStatus status;
MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();
MPlug outPlug(thisNode, outputGeom);
outPlug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex(index, outputGeom);
// get the input geometry
MDataHandle inputData = hInput.child(inputGeom);
if (inputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
printf("Incorrect input geometry type\n");
MObject iSurf = inputData.asMesh() ;
MFnMesh inMesh;
inMesh.setObject( iSurf ) ;
MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue(outPlug);
if (outputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
printf("Incorrect output mesh type\n");
MObject oSurf = outputData.asMesh() ;
if(oSurf.isNull()) {
printf("Output surface is NULL\n");
MFnMesh outMesh;
outMesh.setObject( oSurf ) ;
MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR setting points\n");
// get all points at once for demo purposes. Really should get points from the current group using iterator
int nPoints = pts.length();
MDataHandle envData = data.inputValue(envelope, &status);
float env = envData.asFloat();
MDataHandle sseData = data.inputValue(sseEnabled, &status);
bool sseEnabled = (bool) sseData.asBool();
// NOTE: Using MTimer and possibly other classes disables
// autovectorization with Intel <=10.1 compiler on OSX and Linux!!
// Must compile this function with -fno-exceptions on OSX and
// Linux to guarantee autovectorization is done. Use -fvec_report2
// to check for vectorization status messages with Intel compiler.
MTimer timer; timer.beginTimer();
if(sseEnabled) {
// Innter loop will autovectorize. Around 3x faster than the
// loop below it. It would be faster if first element was
// guaranteed to be aligned on 16 byte boundary.
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
float* ptPtr = &pts[i].x;
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) {
ptPtr[j] = env * (cosf(ptPtr[j]) * sinf(ptPtr[j]) * tanf(ptPtr[j]));
} else {
// This inner loop will not autovectorize.
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
MFloatPoint& pt = pts[i];
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
pt[j] = env * (cosf(pt[j]) * sinf(pt[j]) * tanf(pt[j]));
if(sseEnabled) {
printf("SSE enabled, runtime %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());
} else {
printf("SSE disabled, runtime %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());
// NOTE: This is a crucial step in EM evaluation, especially in
// the case where you have multiple outgoing connections.
// It keeps the EM state up to date and prevents multiple
// evaluation requests that at best will slow things down
// and at worst could crash the system.
// Tell the EM that data has been set and is now valid.
outputData.setMObject( oSurf );
return status;
// standard initialization procedures
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus result;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "1.0", "Any");
result = plugin.registerNode( "sseDeformer", sseDeformer::id, sseDeformer::creator,
sseDeformer::initialize, MPxNode::kDeformerNode );
return result;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus result;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
result = plugin.deregisterNode( sseDeformer::id );
return result;