Python API 2.0 Reference
Public Member Functions | |
def | __add__ () |
def | __delitem__ () |
def | __eq__ () |
def | __ge__ () |
def | __getitem__ () |
def | __gt__ () |
def | __iadd__ () |
def | __imul__ () |
def | __init__ () |
def | __isub__ () |
def | __le__ () |
def | __len__ () |
def | __lt__ () |
def | __mul__ () |
def | __ne__ () |
def | __radd__ () |
def | __repr__ () |
def | __rmul__ () |
def | __rsub__ () |
def | __rtruediv__ () |
def | __setitem__ () |
def | __str__ () |
def | __sub__ () |
def | __truediv__ () |
def | cartesianize () |
def | distanceTo () |
def | homogenize () |
def | isEquivalent () |
def | rationalize () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
def | __new__ () |
Static Public Attributes | |
tuple | kOrigin = maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatPoint(0, 0, 0, 1) |
float | kTolerance = 9.999999747378752e-06 |
Properties | |
w = property(...) | |
x = property(...) | |
y = property(...) | |
z = property(...) | |
3D point with single-precision coordinates.
Signature | Parameters | Description |
MFloatPoint() | Default constructor. Returns a new MFloatPoint object, initialized to the origin. | |
MFloatPoint(src) | src - MFloatPoint, MPoint, MFloatVector or MVector | Copy constructor. Returns a new MFloatPoint object with its x, y, z and w coords set to the same values as src. If src is a vector then the new MFloatPoint's w coordinate is set to 1.0. |
MFloatPoint(seq) | seq - sequence of two, three or four Floats | Returns a new MFloatPoint object whose x, y, z and w coordinates are set to the elements of seq. If the sequence contains fewer than four values w will be set to 1.0. If the sequence contains fewer than three values z will be set to 0.0. |
MFloatPoint(x, y, z=0.0, w=1.0) | x - Float y - Float z - Float w - Float | Returns a new MFloatPoint object with the specified x, y, z and w coordinates. |
An MFloatPoint is treated a sequence of four Float values: [x, y, z, w].
len() returns 4.
Indexing and element assignment are supported.
Deletion, concatenation, repetition and slicing are not supported.
Operation | Description |
MFloatPoint = MFloatPoint + MFloatVector | Addition of a vector to a point. |
MFloatPoint += MFloatVector | In-place addition of a vector to the point. Returns a new reference to the point. |
MFloatPoint = MFloatPoint - MFloatVector | Subtraction of a vector from a point. |
MFloatPoint -= MFloatVector | In-place subtraction of a vector from a point. Returns a new reference to the point. |
MFloatVector = MFloatPoint - MFloatPoint | Vector difference between two points. |
MFloatPoint = MFloatMatrix* MFloatPoint | Pre-multiplication of a point by a matrix. |
MFloatPoint = MFloatPoint * MFloatMatrix | Post-multiplication of a point by a matrix. |
MFloatPoint *= MFloatMatrix | In-place post-multiplication of a point by a matrix. Returns a new reference to the point. |
MFloatPoint = MFloatPoint * scalar | Multiplication of a point by a scalar. The scalar must be convertable to Float. |
MFloatPoint = MFloatPoint / scalar | Division of a point by a scalar. The scalar must be convertable to Float. |
MFloatPoint == MFloatPoint | Returns True if each component of the first point is exactly equal to the corresponding component of the second. |
MFloatPoint != MFloatPoint | Returns False is any component of the first point is not exactly equal to the corresponding component of the second. |
All other comparison operators will raise a TypeError exception.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__init__ | ( | ) |
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__add__ | ( | ) |
Return self+value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__delitem__ | ( | ) |
Delete self[key].
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__eq__ | ( | ) |
Return self==value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__ge__ | ( | ) |
Return self>=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__getitem__ | ( | ) |
Return self[key].
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__gt__ | ( | ) |
Return self>value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__iadd__ | ( | ) |
Return self+=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__imul__ | ( | ) |
Return self*=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__isub__ | ( | ) |
Return self-=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__le__ | ( | ) |
Return self<=value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__len__ | ( | ) |
Return len(self).
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__lt__ | ( | ) |
Return self<value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__mul__ | ( | ) |
Return self*value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__ne__ | ( | ) |
Return self!=value.
static |
Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__radd__ | ( | ) |
Return value+self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__repr__ | ( | ) |
Return repr(self).
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__rmul__ | ( | ) |
Return value*self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__rsub__ | ( | ) |
Return value-self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__rtruediv__ | ( | ) |
Return value/self.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__setitem__ | ( | ) |
Set self[key] to value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__str__ | ( | ) |
Return str(self).
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__sub__ | ( | ) |
Return self-value.
def OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.__truediv__ | ( | ) |
Return self/value.
OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.cartesianize | ( | ) |
Convert point to cartesian form.
Signature: | cartesianize() |
Parameters: | |
Returns: | Reference to self. |
Description: | Converts this point to cartesian form. |
OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.distanceTo | ( | ) |
Return distance between this point and another.
Signature: | distanceTo(other) |
Parameters: | other - MFloatPoint |
Returns: | Float |
Description: | Returns the distance between this point and other. |
OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.homogenize | ( | ) |
Convert point to homogenous form.
Signature: | homogenize() |
Parameters: | |
Returns: | Reference to self. |
Description: | Converts this point to homogenous form. |
OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.isEquivalent | ( | ) |
Test for equivalence of two points, within a tolerance.
Signature: | isEquivalent(other, tol=kTolerance) |
Parameters: | other - MFloatPoint tol - Float |
Returns: | Bool |
Description: | Returns True if the coordinates of this point and other are equal to within a tolerance of tol. |
OpenMaya.MFloatPoint.rationalize | ( | ) |
Convert point to rational form.
Signature: | rationalize() |
Parameters: | |
Returns: | Reference to self. |
Description: | Converts this point to rational form. |
static |
Name: | kOrigin |
Type: | MFloatPoint |
Description: | (0, 0, 0, 1) |
static |
Name: | kTolerance |
Type: | Float |
Description: | Default tolerance used for inexact comparisons. |
static |
W coordinate
Name: | w |
Type: | Float |
Access: | RW |
Description: | W coordinate |
static |
X coordinate
Name: | x |
Type: | Float |
Access: | RW |
Description: | X coordinate |
static |
Y coordinate
Name: | y |
Type: | Float |
Access: | RW |
Description: | Y coordinate |
static |
Z coordinate
Name: | z |
Type: | Float |
Access: | RW |
Description: | Z coordinate |