Python API 2.0 Reference
OpenMaya.MVector Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for OpenMaya.MVector:

Public Member Functions

def __add__ ()
def __delitem__ ()
def __eq__ ()
def __ge__ ()
def __getitem__ ()
def __gt__ ()
def __iadd__ ()
def __imul__ ()
def __init__ ()
def __isub__ ()
def __itruediv__ ()
def __le__ ()
def __len__ ()
def __lt__ ()
def __mul__ ()
def __ne__ ()
def __neg__ ()
def __radd__ ()
def __repr__ ()
def __rmul__ ()
def __rsub__ ()
def __rtruediv__ ()
def __rxor__ ()
def __setitem__ ()
def __str__ ()
def __sub__ ()
def __truediv__ ()
def __xor__ ()
def angle ()
def isEquivalent ()
def isParallel ()
def length ()
def normal ()
def normalize ()
def rotateBy ()
def rotateTo ()
def transformAsNormal ()

Static Public Member Functions

def __new__ ()

Static Public Attributes

int kTolerance = 1
Common Vectors
tuple kOneVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(1, 1, 1)
tuple kXaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(1, 0, 0)
tuple kXnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(-1, 0, 0)
tuple kYaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 1, 0)
tuple kYnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, -1, 0)
tuple kZaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, 1)
tuple kZeroVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, 0)
tuple kZnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, -1)
Axis Identifiers
int kWaxis = 3
int kXaxis = 0
int kYaxis = 1
int kZaxis = 2


 x = property(...)
 y = property(...)
 z = property(...)

Detailed Description

3D vector with double-precision coordinates.



Default constructor. Returns a new MVector object initialized to the zero vector.

MVector(src) src - MVector, MFloatVector, MPoint or MFloatPoint

Copy constructor. Returns a new MVector object whose x, y and z coordinates are set to the x, y and z coordinates of src.

MVector(seq) seq - sequence of two or three floats

Returns a new MVector object whose x, y and z coordinates are set to the elements of seq. If the sequence only contains two values z will be set to 0.0.

MVector(x, y, z=0.0) x - float
y - float
z - float

Returns a new MVector object with the specified x, y and z coordinates.

Sequence Support

An MVector is treated a sequence of three float values: [x, y, z].

len() returns 3.

Indexing and element assignment are supported.

Deletion, concatenation, repetition and slicing are not supported.

Number Support

MVector = MVector ^ MVector

New vector which is the cross product of the two vectors.

float = MVector * MVector

Dot product of the two vectors.

MVector = MVector / scalar

New vector whose components are those of the given vector, each divided by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float.

MVector /= scalar

Divides each component of the vector by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float, and returns a new reference to the vector.

MVector = MVector * scalar

New vector whose components are those of the given vector, each multiplied by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float.

MVector = scalar * MVector

New vector whose components are those of the given vector, each multiplied by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float.

MVector *= scalar

Multiplies each component of the vector by scalar, which can be of any type which is convertable to float, and returns a new reference to the vector.

MVector = MVector * MMatrix

New vector resulting from postmultiplying the vector by the matrix.

MVector = MMatrix * MVector

New vector resulting from premultiplying the vector by the matrix.

MVector *= MMatrix

Postmultiplies the vector by the matrix and returns a new reference to the vector.

MVector = MVector + MVector

New vector which is the sum of the two vectors.

MVector += MVector

Adds the second vector to the first and returns a new reference to the first.

MVector = -MVector

New vector which is the negative if the given vector.

MVector = MVector - MVector

New vector which is the difference of the two vectors.

MVector -= MVector

Subtracts the second vector from the first and returns a new reference to the first.

Comparison Support

MVector == MVector Returns True if each component of the first vector is exactly equal to the corresponding component of the second.
MVector != MVector Returns False is any component of the first vector is not exactly equal to the corresponding component of the second.

All other comparison operators will raise a TypeError exception.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def OpenMaya.MVector.__init__ ( )
Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Member Function Documentation

def OpenMaya.MVector.__add__ ( )
Return self+value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__delitem__ ( )
Delete self[key].
def OpenMaya.MVector.__eq__ ( )
Return self==value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__ge__ ( )
Return self>=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__getitem__ ( )
Return self[key].
def OpenMaya.MVector.__gt__ ( )
Return self>value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__iadd__ ( )
Return self+=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__imul__ ( )
Return self*=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__isub__ ( )
Return self-=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__itruediv__ ( )
Return self/=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__le__ ( )
Return self<=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__len__ ( )
Return len(self).
def OpenMaya.MVector.__lt__ ( )
Return self<value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__mul__ ( )
Return self*value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__ne__ ( )
Return self!=value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__neg__ ( )
def OpenMaya.MVector.__new__ ( )
Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__radd__ ( )
Return value+self.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__repr__ ( )
Return repr(self).
def OpenMaya.MVector.__rmul__ ( )
Return value*self.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__rsub__ ( )
Return value-self.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__rtruediv__ ( )
Return value/self.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__rxor__ ( )
Return value^self.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__setitem__ ( )
Set self[key] to value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__str__ ( )
Return str(self).
def OpenMaya.MVector.__sub__ ( )
Return self-value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__truediv__ ( )
Return self/value.
def OpenMaya.MVector.__xor__ ( )
Return self^value.
OpenMaya.MVector.angle ( )
Returns the angle, in radians, between this vector and another.
Signature: angle(other)
Parameters: other - MVector
Returns: float
Description: Returns the angle, in radians, between this vector and other.
OpenMaya.MVector.isEquivalent ( )
Returns True if this vector and another are within a given tolerance of being equal.
Signature: isEquivalent(other, tolerance=kTolerance)
Parameters: other - MVector
tolerance - float
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if this vector and other are within the given tolerance of being equal.
OpenMaya.MVector.isParallel ( )
Returns True if this vector and another are within the given tolerance of being parallel.
Signature: isParallel(other, tolerance=kTolerance)
Parameters: other - MVector
tolerance - float
Returns: bool
Description: Returns True if this vector and other are within the given tolerance of being parallel.
OpenMaya.MVector.length ( )
Returns the magnitude of this vector.
Signature: length()
Returns: float
Description: Returns the magnitude of this vector.
OpenMaya.MVector.normal ( )
Returns a new vector containing the normalized version of this one.
Signature: normal()
Returns: MVector
Description: Returns a new vector containing the normalized version of this vector.
OpenMaya.MVector.normalize ( )
Normalizes this vector in-place and returns a new reference to it.
Signature: normalize()
Returns: MVector
Description: Normalizes this vector in-place and returns a new reference to it.
OpenMaya.MVector.rotateBy ( )
Returns the vector resulting from rotating this one by the given amount.
Signature: rotateBy(rot)
Parameters: rot - MQuaternion or MEulerRotation
Returns: MVector
Description: Returns a new vector containing the result of rotating this vector by the rotation given by rot.
Signature: rotateBy(axis, angle)
Parameters: axis - Axis identifier constant
angle - float
Returns: MVector
Description: Returns a new vector containing the result of rotating this vector by angle radians about the specified axis.
OpenMaya.MVector.rotateTo ( )
Returns the quaternion which will rotate this vector into another.
Signature: rotateTo(target)
Parameters: target - MVector
Returns: MQuaternion
Description: Returns the quaternion which will rotate this vector into the target vector, about their mutually perpendicular axis.
OpenMaya.MVector.transformAsNormal ( )
Returns a new vector which is calculated by postmultiplying this vector by the transpose of the given matrix's inverse and then normalizing the result.
Signature: transformAsNormal(matrix)
Parameters: matrix - MMatrix
Returns: MVector
Description: Returns a new vector which is calculated by postmultiplying this vector by the transpose of matrix's inverse and then normalizing it.

Member Data Documentation

OpenMaya.MVector.kOneVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(1, 1, 1)
Name: kOneVector
Type: MVector
Description: (1,1,1)
OpenMaya.MVector.kTolerance = 1
Name: kTolerance
Type: float
Description: Default tolerance used for inexact comparisons.
OpenMaya.MVector.kWaxis = 3
Name: kWaxis
Type: int
OpenMaya.MVector.kXaxis = 0
Name: kXaxis
Type: int
OpenMaya.MVector.kXaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(1, 0, 0)
Name: kXaxisVector
Type: MVector
Description: (1,0,0)
OpenMaya.MVector.kXnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(-1, 0, 0)
Name: kXnegAxisVector
Type: MVector
Description: (-1,0,0)
OpenMaya.MVector.kYaxis = 1
Name: kYaxis
Type: int
OpenMaya.MVector.kYaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 1, 0)
Name: kYaxisVector
Type: MVector
Description: (0,1,0)
OpenMaya.MVector.kYnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, -1, 0)
Name: kYnegAxisVector
Type: MVector
Description: (0,-1,0)
OpenMaya.MVector.kZaxis = 2
Name: kZaxis
Type: int
OpenMaya.MVector.kZaxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, 1)
Name: kZaxisVector
Type: MVector
Description: (0,0,1)
OpenMaya.MVector.kZeroVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, 0)
Name: kZeroVector
Type: MVector
Description: (0,0,0)
OpenMaya.MVector.kZnegAxisVector = maya.api.OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, -1)
Name: kZnegAxisVector
Type: MVector
Description: (0,0,-1)

Property Documentation

OpenMaya.MVector.x = property(...)
 X coordinate
Name: x
Type: float
Access: RW
Description: X component.
OpenMaya.MVector.y = property(...)
 Y coordinate
Name: y
Type: float
Access: RW
Description: Y component.
OpenMaya.MVector.z = property(...)
 Z coordinate
Name: z
Type: float
Access: RW
Description: Z component.