Viewer window toolbar

The Viewer window toolbar displayed by default along the right side of the Viewer window enables you to choose how you want to select, manipulate, and transform objects in the Viewer window.

Viewer window toolbar shown along the right side of the Viewer window

You can change the default location of the Viewer window toolbar via the Preferences window, under the Viewer option. See Preferences window.

The default Viewer window toolbar options are described in the following table.

Default Viewer Window Tools Viewer Window Tool Context Menu Options Description Requirements / Restrictions

The Viewer window Selection mode tools enable you to choose how you want to select, and translate, rotate/scale objects and elements in the Viewer window.

The Selection tool () enables you to select objects/elements in the Viewer window for the purpose of manipulating/transforming the objects/elements.

must be selected.

Note: If no object or element is selected, the Selection mode context menu includes the Selection and Parent context menus ().

The Viewer window Reference mode tools enable you to define how the translation, rotation, and scaling values (in X, Y, and Z coordinates) of the selected object(s)/element(s) are displayed in the Viewer window.

The Local Reference mode tool () enables you to define and display the translation, rotation, and scaling values of the selected object or element relative to its center or from the center of its parent. If the selected object or element does not have a parent, the Local Reference mode and Global Reference mode values are identical.

must be selected.

, , , , or must be activated

(, , , , ).

The Translate tool () enables you to move the selected object or element in one, two or three axes (in X, Y, and Z coordinates) and display the 3D translation manipulators according to the selected Reference mode.

must be selected.

, , or must be selected.

must be activated ().

The Rotate tools enable you to revolve the selected object(s)/element(s) in one, two or three axes (in X, Y, and Z coordinates) and display the 3D rotation manipulators according to the selected Reference mode.

The Rotate tool () enables you to rotate the selected object or element in one, two or three axes (in X, Y, and Z coordinates).

must be selected.

, , or must be selected.

must be activated ().

The Viewer window Scale tools enable you to change the size of the selected object or element uniformly in all three axes, or in one, two, or three axes in the Viewer window.

The Scale Uniform tool () enables you to either scale the selected object or element in one, two, or three axes, or scale the selected object or element uniformly in all three axes.

must be selected.

, , or must be selected.

must be activated ().

The Viewer window Snap Rotation tool enables you to rotate a selected object or element in the Viewer window by 10-degree increments (by default) or by any other rotation snap angle specified in the Preferences window Viewer options.

The default additive Snap Rotation mode is Relative.

The Snap Rotation tool changes from to when an object or element is selected.

must be selected.

, , or must be selected.

must be activated ().

or must be activated

(, ).

The Viewer window Temporary Pivot Shift tool enables you to temporarily move the pivot of the selected object or element from its offset position its center.

or must be selected.

, , or must be selected.

, or , or or must be activated

(, , , , ).

must be activated ().

The Viewer window Z-Depth selection tool enables you to easily select occluded textured geometric elements in the Viewer window.

, , or must be selected.

must be activated ().

The Viewer window Object mode tools enable you to select objects, elements, models, curves, markers, nulls, bones, vertices, and pivots in the Viewer window.

The Object Model mode tool enables you to select objects, elements, models, curves, markers, nulls, and bones in the Viewer window.

, , or must be selected.

must be selected.

  LCL = define a location relative to the origin of a selected object, in the format (X, Y, Z). GBL = define a location relative to the origin of a scene, in the format (X, Y, Z).