FCurves Window

The FCurves window allows you to create, view and modify function curves in various ways. By modifying function curves, you can modify animation. For example, you can control the interpolation between keyframes, the extrapolation of a curve, and the value and time of the function curve.

To display the FCurves window, from the MotionBuilder menu bar, select Window > FCurves. Alternatively, when you are in the Editing Layout, you can click the FCurves tab in the Navigator window.

FCurves window A. FCurves Properties pane B. FCurves pane D. FCurves Options pane C.TimeWarp pane

The options in the FCurves window enable you to alter the shape of FCurves using tangent handles, change the timing of the animation, and filter captured data, until you achieve your final result.

Function curves (FCurves) are a graphical representation of the interpolation between keyframes, showing the value of an animated property over time. You can view function curves in the FCurves window.

See Creating Function Curves and Scaling keys in the FCurves window.