Optical Editor

The Optical editor lets you correct optical data, fix poor gap interpolation, switch swapped markers, and perform other optical data reconstruction. The Optical editor is empty until you select an optical marker from either the Scene browser or the list of markers in the Optical Options Label pane.

The following figures displays the Optical editor and its Optical Segment options displayed at the top. The Optical editor shows two segments and a gap between the two segments. The segment to the right in green indicates it is the current segment.

Optical editor displaying the Optical Segment options and two segments

The Optical editor shows the data segments labelled by the selected marker and the gap or unlabelled data segment between the labelled data segments. Segments are either green, red, or blank, depending on their status and type of data they represent.




A red segment Indicates an inactive labelled data segment.


A green segment indicates an active labelled data segment, referred to as the current segment.


A blank segment indicates an unlabelled data segment, also referred to as a gap. This unlabelled data segment or gap is the result of occlusions in the data.