About sets

Store and recall support action settings in a clipboard-like fashion

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What is it?

Sets capture and store settings of supports so they can be recalled and applied later.


What are the key features and benefits?

The three default sets come with variants for each support type.


When are sets used?

Sets, in particular the currently selected one, are used automatically whenever you use any of the manual support creation controls, bar, polyline, or volume, available from the toolbar, or through the context menu of a cluster of triangles determined by the critical and non-critical angles in the Analysis tab in the context view.

You can also apply the values stored in a set to individually selected supports that were generated earlier. In general, sets are used in a "format painter" manner to capture the values used to generate a particular support entity (a single bar, polyline, or volume) to a different support entity of the same type as the original entity.

Sets cannot be used to define and store the values that you want to apply later. To make custom values available to a set, the respective support entity must be created first so that you can capture its parameter values.


Where do I find sets?

You select and manage sets in the context view of the support module, and there on the Edit tab.


What are the limitations to watch out for?
