Rotating toolpaths example

This example shows you how to rotate a toolpath. It uses the Keep Original option so that you can easily see the effect of the transformation.

It uses the Blisk_Simple.dgk model in the Examples folder with a blade finishing toolpath as the active toolpath. It has the XY face as the principal working plane.

  1. Click Toolpath Edit tab > Edit panel > Transform to display the Toolpath Transform tab.
  2. Click Toolpath Transform tab > Transform panel > Rotate to display the Rotate toolbar.
  3. Ensure that is selected.
  4. Enter a No. of Copies of 2.
  5. Click and enter the coordinates of 0 0 0 in on the Status bar and press the enter key.
  6. Enter an Angle of 20. This rotates and copies the active toolpath.

  7. Click Toolpath Transform tab > Finish panel > Accept to accept the changes and create the duplicate toolpaths.

For more complex examples, see Rectangular transform example and Circular transform example.