Holes finds fully defined holes in the surface model as a single surface with a defined top and bottom. This tab is available only for drilling strategies.
The options displayed are the same as those available from the Create Holes dialog, and depend on the Create from option selected:
— Select the hole feature set where the holes are created.
Hole creation enables you to select how and which hole feature sets are created.
Name root — Enter a name for the hole. Each hole has the root name followed by a number. If there is no root name the hole just has a number.
Create from — Select how to recognise holes.
Tolerance — Enter the tolerance used to create holes.
— Click to display the
Hole Creation > Options page of the
Options dialog.
Create compound holes — When selected, creates one compound hole containing several components. When deselected, creates several individual holes (superimposed on each other).
A compound hole is one hole containing several components; in this case, a hole named 1 with components 1 and 2.
If you create them as individual holes, there are two holes named 1 and 2.
For more information, see Compound Holes.
Use active workplane only — Select to create only the holes that have a Z axis that aligns with the Z axis of the active workplane.
This example uses the RetainerPlate.dgk model. It has an active workplane, and the whole model is selected:
Selecting the Use active workplane only gives:
Deselecting Use active workplane only gives:
Group holes by axis — When selected, sorts the holes into hole feature sets by workplane. In this case, your machine tool must have 3+2-axis drilling capability. When deselected, places all the holes in one hole feature set. In this case, your machine tool must have multi-axis drilling capability.
Create holes from partial cylinders — Select to enable PowerMill to create holes from partial cylinders. You may also want to enter a value in the Minimum span angle field to increase or decrease the number of partial holes that PowerMill converts to (complete) holes.
Ignore capped cylinders — When selected, creates holes which have at least one open end, and ignores holes with two closed ends.
Edit after creation — When selected, clicking Apply creates the holes and displays the Edit Hole dialog.
Maximum Z
Minimum Z
Maximum Z
Minimum Z
Upper diameter — Enter the upper diameter of the hole. The Upper diameter is the same as the Lower diameter unless the hole has a Draft angle. This is available only if you have a Create from of Lines, or Normal.
Draft angle — Enter the draft angle of the hole. A value of 0 gives a straight hole with no draft angle.Draft angle of 0:
Draft angle of 10:
Group holes by axis — When selected, sorts the holes into hole feature sets by workplane. In this case, your machine tool must have 3+2-axis drilling capability. When deselected, places all the holes in one hole feature set. In this case, your machine tool must have multi-axis drilling capability.
Edit after creation — When selected, clicking Apply creates the holes and then displays the Edit Hole dialog.