Machine axis control - strategy

The Specified Orientations and Proposed Orientations options control the position of rotary machine axes when there are multiple ways to achieve the tool axis direction.

This page contains the following options:

Use orientation vectors calculated during simulation — select to ensure a machine tool simulation of a toolpath and its corresponding NC program use the same orientations. From what you select in the Proposed Orientations list, PowerMill adds any missing orientation vectors and overwrites any that are not achieved with those calculated during the machine tool simulation or verification process. Deselect to keep the specified orientation vectors on the toolpath that are selected from the Specified Orientations list. Consequently, when deselected, the simulation and the NC output may use different solutions.

Tip: This setting can be changed, without requiring the toolpath to be recalculated by clicking: Toolpath Edit tab > Options panel > Use simulated Orientations.

Specified orientations or Proposed orientations — Determines the method of controlling the orientation. Choose:

This displays similar options to the Machine axis control tab on the Tool axis dialog (available from Toolpath Edit tab > Edit panel > Tool Axis), however it also includes Polar milling.