Boundaries menu

Use the Boundaries menu to create and manage boundaries in the current project.

To display the menu, in the Explorer, right-click Boundaries.

Boundaries — The name of this menu.

Curve Editor — Select to display the Curve Editortab.

Display Private Boundaries — When selected, PowerMill displays private boundaries in the boundaries branch of the Explorer as well as in the individual toolpath branch of the Explorer. When deselected, displays private boundaries only in the individual toolpath branch of the Explorer.

Create Boundary — Select to display a menu showing the different boundary types available.

Paste as New Boundary — Select to paste entities from a model, pattern or boundary into a new boundary. If this option is dimmed you probably do not have anything on the clipboard to paste into a new boundary. To place something on the clipboard, select the entity (part of a model, pattern or boundary) and use Ctrl+C.

Boundary Names — Select to define the template used to name new boundaries.

This controls the naming convention used when creating multiple entities.

Folder Names — Select to specify the template used for all new folders.

These menu options control the naming convention used when creating multiple folders.

Batch Process — Select to process the batch boundaries marked .

When you create a batch boundary, PowerMill generates a file containing all the relevant parameters to create the boundary at a later date. It is fully defined in the sense that it can be selected and saved to session files. It just has not computed the segments.

Invalidate All — Select to invalidate calculated boundaries. This changes the boundaries to batch boundaries marked with a .

This can be useful if you have created a set of boundaries for one model and require a similar set of boundaries for a similar model.

For more information see Updating Toolpaths when a Model Changes.

Deactivate — Select to deactivate the currently active boundary.

Draw All — Select to display all boundaries on the screen .

Undraw All — Select to hide all boundaries on the screen .

Thickness — Select to control component boundary thicknesses in the same way that you can control component toolpath thickness. This displays the Component Thickness dialog.

Edit — Select to display the standard editing options. These editing options apply to all boundaries and not just the active one.

Create Folder — Select to create a folder so you can organise entities in the Explorer. You can rename a folder in the normal way and drag and drop entities into it. See Explorer for more information.

Delete All — Select to delete all the unlocked boundaries.
Note: A boundary is locked automatically when it is used by a toolpath, or to limit another boundary. A boundary may also be locked manually by pressing the Lock button on the Boundary dialog.