As with the Transform Toolpath functions, the Limit To Plane, Polygon, and Boundary commands create new toolpaths that are based on the active toolpath.
To display the Toolpath limit dialog:
This dialog contains the following:
Limit to — This drop-down list has three options:
— This button is available if you sketch a polygon with at least one point. Click to undo the last point added to the limiting polygon.
Restore View
— This button is available if you sketch a polygon with at least one point. Click to return to the initial view you were on when you first started to place points.
These options are only available if you have a Limit to of Plane.
Type — Defines the limiting plane.
Point — Enter values to define the origin of the plane.
Open the position input form
— Click to display the
Position dialog. Use the dialog to manually enter coordinates and locate items in the graphics window.
Normal — The fields display the direction of the normal of the plane.
Open the direction input form
— Click to display the
Direction dialog, which enables you to edit the direction of an item.
These options are only available if you have a Limit to of Boundary.
Boundary — Select the boundary PowerMill uses to limit the toolpath. You can select the boundary from the list. This option is only available if you have a Limit to of Boundary.
Projection Plane — Select the plane in which the toolpath is limited. Select one of the following from the drop-down list: Workplane, View Plane or Best Fit Plane. This option is only available if you select the Limit to Boundary option.
Save — Select which side of a plane, polygon, or boundary is saved:
Determines whether the toolpaths on the Inner, Outer, or Both sides of the plane, polygon or boundary are kept. For a closed polygon or boundary it is obvious what is inside or outside. However, this is not the case for a plane. So, each plane has an arrow, normal to the plane, at each corner, to indicate which side of the plane will be selected. The boundary or polygon must be a closed, non-intersecting contour.
Delete Original — Select to remove the original toolpath when creating a new limited toolpath. Deselect it to keep the original toolpath.
Reorder — Select to reorder the limited toolpath to minimise air time. Deselect it to avoid reordering.