Use one of the following techniques to edit a primitive solid:
- Use the graphical handles to change the dimensions and orientation of the primitive.
- Use one of the options from the Solid dialog, which is displayed by:
- Right-clicking the solid and selecting
Modify from the context menu.
- Double-clicking the solid.
The context menu also contains edit options for primitive solids. The top of the context menu shows the type of the solid, its name and the level on which it lies.
- Use the options on the
Solid Tools tab.
- Click Solid Tools tab > Convert panel > To Surfaces to convert the solid into surfaces for editing.
- Use one of the face selection tools available on the Solid Tools tab > Selection panel to help with selection of one or more faces on a selected primitive solid.
- Double-click the icon of the primitive solid in the Tree to display its dialog and graphical handles. Double-clicking a block, sphere, cylinder, cone and torus displays a primitive dialog that has two tabs. Double-clicking a spring displays the
Spring dialog, which has three tabs.
The icon is different if it has features.
= primitive without features. This is the icon of the solid (block, sphere, cylinder, cone, torus or spring)
= primitive with features. This is the icon of the whole solid.
If the solid has features, the primitive icon appears at the bottom of the tree for the solid and is one of the following.
= block
= sphere
= cylinder
= cone
= torus
= spring
- You can also simultaneously edit and orient multiple primitive solids.