Creating balloons with dog-legged pointers

You can create a balloon with a dog-legged pointer:

If you have a complex model with many curves and lines displayed, you may find it difficult to find a direct path from the object you want to point to and the label text. In this case, you may find it easier to re-direct the line of the balloon by using a dog-legged balloon.

To create a balloon with a dog-legged pointer:

  1. Click Annotation tab > Balloon panel, and choose any balloon creation option.
  2. Click the position where you want the pointer of the balloon to touch.
    Note: To cancel creating a balloon at any time, right-click in the graphics window. You go back to balloon creation mode, where you can select the type of balloon to create.
  3. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the positions to dog-leg the pointer.

    A rubber-banded line is attached from the last position entered to the mouse cursor.

    In the example, a position is entered, as shown below:

    You can continue adding as many positions as you want in the dog-legged pointer.

    In the example, a position is added, as shown below:

  4. Release the Ctrl key and enter the last position, to specify the location of the balloon:

    The balloon is added to the drawing. (You may have to complete the Balloon Confirmation dialog before the balloon is added.)