Working with Notes drawings

A Notes drawing is a drawing with predefined views and a titleblock, that can be annotated using dimensions and text.

Creating or opening a Notes drawing

  1. Open the model you want to create a drawing for, for example:

  2. Click Draft tab > Drawing panel > Notes.

    If a Notes drawing does not already exist, this creates a drawing containing four views of the objects currently displayed in your model:

    If a Notes drawing exists, then the existing Notes drawing is displayed.

    Note: Only one Notes drawing can be created per model.

    The directions of the views in the Notes drawing are given below:

    The contents of the views are automatically scaled to fit the view boundaries.

  3. Change the settings for any one of the views by deselecting the Add Items and Auto Rescale options on the Edit View dialog. You can also store the layout of a Notes drawing to use in all your future models.
  4. With the Notes drawing open, update your model.

    The Notes drawing is automatically updated to reflect the changes.

  5. To close the Notes drawing, click File > Close.

    The Notes drawing and any objects created on it are stored with the model.

Editing a Notes drawing

Notes drawings can be edited like a drawing. For further details, see Editing a drawing.

The views on the Notes drawing are edited like other drawing views. For further details, see Editing a view.

If you change the name of the Notes drawing, a new Notes drawing is created when you next select the Draft tab > Drawing panel > Notes option.

Customizing a Notes drawing

You can customize the layout of a Notes drawing and store the changes for use in future models.

To customize a Notes drawing:

  1. Create a Notes drawing in the template model; NEW_MODEL_MASTER.
  2. Edit the Notes drawing to your requirements.

    You can add objects to the Notes drawing in the template model.

When you next create a Notes drawing, the template's Notes drawing is used.

For further details, see Using drawing templates.