Creating a solid from surfaces

You can create a solid from a single surface or a group of surfaces.

  1. Select the surfaces you want to change into solids.
  2. Click Solid tab > Create panel > From Items > From Surfaces/Meshes.

    The surfaces are used to generate solids and the solids appear in the solid feature tree.

    • Any surface with width less than the creation tolerance is excluded from the solid.
    • If trim boundaries exist on a surface, then they define trim boundaries on the solid too.
    • If there is no active solid in your model and only one solid is created from the selected surfaces, the new solid becomes active.
    • If your new solid has either small holes or contains more than 20 surfaces, you are asked if you want to repair the solid. If you click Yes, the Solid Doctordialog (Parasolids) or Make Watertight Wizard dialog (Version 8 solids) is displayed to help you repair the solid.