Creating a Hollow Solid

When creating a hollow solid (often called a 'shell' solid because the thin wall is like a shell), faces of a solid are removed and copies of the other faces are thickened to create a solid wall.

To create a hollow solid:

  1. Click Solid tab > Feature panel > Hollow to display the Hollow Solid dialog:

  2. Use the dialog to remove a face of a solid and offset it to create a hollow solid.
  3. Move the cursor over a solid.

    Valid faces are highlighted:

  4. Click the face of the solid you want to remove to highlight it.

    You can select multiple removal faces. Use Ctrl or Shift+Click to add and remove faces from the selection.

  5. Select a Wall Thickness option to set the thickness of the faces in the hollow solid:
    • All faces — All the faces in the solid offset uniformly using the specified value.

    • Individual faces — Specify a different wall thickness value for each face, using the Individual Wall Thickness dialog.

  6. Select the Offset Inwards option to offset faces inwards , or deselect this option to offset faces outwards :

  7. Select the Fillet Edges option to round the corners. If faces are offset outwards, each face has the same offset value:

  8. Click OK to create the hollow solid and close the dialog.

    A Hollow feature icon representing the operation is displayed in the solid feature tree.