Drawing templates

Drawing templates are used to set up standard drawing layouts, including titleblocks and views. You can set up drawing templates in the following ways:

Drawing templates can contain views. If the drawing does not already contain views, views are copied from the template drawing when the template is set.

The created views:

The view settings can be used to control the way in which the scale is set in the created views.

Tip: To set up a hidden view in a drawing template you must create solid or surface geometry in the view before setting the view as hidden.

Geometry displayed in a template drawing view is there as an aid for setting up the view, and is ignored when a drawing template is set.

Any balloons created from a template drawing point to the relative position of the created drawing. Balloons that point to specific coordinates in a template drawing follow the workplane coordinates of the created drawing. When the active workplane is defined on the model, balloons point to the coordinates determined by that workplane.

Levels in a view are copied from the views set up in the drawing template. We recommend that all the view levels in drawing templates are set to be visible.

Note: If view levels are hidden, the geometry on those levels is not displayed in the created views.