Acquiring point data using probing or scanning devices

You can use the Acquire Points toolbar to acquire point data from laser scanners and arm probes directly into PowerShape.

To use a laser scanner or arm probe to acquire scan data:

  1. Click Wizard tab > Devices panel > Scanner/Probe to display the Acquire Points toolbar.
  2. Tip: If the toolbar is not displayed, close PowerShape, and restart using the Run as administrator option on the PowerShape context menu. This loads the required drivers.
  3. Click the Select driver button to open the CMM Driver Configuration dialog and select a connection protocol.
  4. Click the Connect button to connect to the selected device. Status information is updated to .
  5. Click to configure the device settings using manufacturer specific dialogs.
  6. Start scanning your object, or probing points to define the object.

    If you are using a laser, the status changes to when you are acquiring points.

    If you are using a probe, a small, pink icon indicates the probe position in the graphical window.

Use the following buttons on the toolbar as required:

Use the following buttons on the toolbar if you are using a device which includes a probe: